ICE wants sanctuary citiy politicians charged with crimes

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan said he’d like to hold elected officials in sanctuary cities ‘personally accountable’ for crimes committed by individuals residing in their constituencies illegally.

‘We’ve got to start charging some of these politicians with crimes,’ Homan told Fox News Channel’s Neil Cavuto on Tuesday. 

Homan also singled out the entire state of California, threatening increased special agents and deportation hours, following its official declaration as a sanctuary state, with a law that took effect on Monday.

Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director Thomas Homan wants to charge sanctuary city politicians with the crimes committed by people residing in their cities illegally

California’s new law, signed by Governor Jerry Brown in October, is titled the California Values Act.

It prevents state and local police from asking about immigration status during routine interactions with community members, and limits interaction between state and local authorities and federal officers.

‘These are uncertain times for undocumented Californians and their families, and this bill strikes a balance that will protect public safety, while bringing a measure of comfort to those families who are now living in fear every day,’ Brown said in statement at the time of the bill signing.

California's new law, signed by Governor Jerry Brown in October, is titled the California Values Act and officially makes the state a 'sanctuary state'

California’s new law, signed by Governor Jerry Brown in October, is titled the California Values Act and officially makes the state a ‘sanctuary state’

But Homan said Brown was doing ‘quote the opposite’ of protecting immigrant communities. 

‘[Brown] is knowingly putting law enforcement at risk,’ he added.

Brown further clarified what the new California law does not do, saying: 

‘This bill does not prevent or prohibit [ICE] or the Department of Homeland Security from doing their own work in any way. They are free to use their own considerable resources to enforce federal immigration law in California.’

Homan accused Brown of putting ‘politics ahead of public safety.’ 

Jose Artica, then age 19, of El Salvador, is handcuffed and removed from a house in Alexandria, Virginia in April 2007

Jose Artica, then age 19, of El Salvador, is handcuffed and removed from a house in Alexandria, Virginia in April 2007

ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations unit is seen here in August in Riverside, California

ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations unit is seen here in August in Riverside, California

‘What they have done is forced my officers to arrest dangerous criminals on their turf, in their homes and places of business, rather than arresting them in the safety and security of a county jail,’ Homan said.

‘It’s ridiculous to annoyingly and intentionally put law enforcement at risk.’

Brown reiterated that under the new law, immigration agents remain able to gain access to California jails to conduct routine interviews, and will still receive cooperation in deportation proceedings involving state prisoners and those in local jails that have committed serious offenses listed in the TRUST Act.

What the new law does is ‘prohibit the commandeering of local officials to do the work of immigration agents,’ Brown said. 

What the new law does is 'prohibit the commandeering of local officials to do the work of immigration agents,' Brown said

Homan is upset California's 'sanctuary state' law took effect

What the new law does is ‘prohibit the commandeering of local officials to do the work of immigration agents,’ Brown (L) said; Homan (R) is upset the law took effect

Homan remained upset with the new law taking effect. 

‘If [Brown] thinks ICE is going away, we’re not,’ he said.

‘There’s no sanctuary from federal law enforcement. I’m going to significantly increase our enforcement presence in California. We’re already doing it.’

Homan added that California had ‘better hold on tight.’

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has repeatedly stated his intent to deny federal funding from cities that refuse to offer extra support to federal immigration authorities, in the form of increased access to jails and additional notice when someone who is in custody, and known to be in the country illegally, is about to be released.

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has repeatedly stated his intent to deny federal funding from cities that refuse to offer extra support to federal immigration authorities

US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has repeatedly stated his intent to deny federal funding from cities that refuse to offer extra support to federal immigration authorities