Let your children run free — German style

  • Sara Zaske discusses the culture shock of moving to Germany from America 
  • Her new book reveals how children in Germany are taught to become self-reliant
  • She shares how her experience gave permission for her to be herself



by Sara Zaske (Piatkus £14.99) 

Achtung, kids!’ yelled Sara Zaske as she chased her young children through the streets of Berlin. She was frightened they were cycling too fast.

But when they eventually came to a halt, she realised they were more worried about her reaction than any physical risks they had been taking.

As she struggled to catch her breath and reiterate her rules on speed, she realised ‘how awfully hard I was trying to control them. I had rarely heard a German teacher or parent shout “achtung” at children, a term reserved for strong danger. They have a greater trust in their children’s ability to look out for themselves.’

Zaske, a journalist, moved from Oregon, America, to Berlin in 2010, when her husband, a scientist, was offered a great job there. She realised she could maintain her writing career and hoped her two-year-old, Sophia, would benefit from a bilingual childhood. But the family had a culture shock in store.

Sara Zaske compares the difference between American and German parenting based on her experience in a new book

When they took Sophia for her first day at kita (short for ‘kindertagesstatte’) they were ‘greeted with chaos’. Children were shouting, hurling toys around and clambering up and down the ladder to a high loft space.

While most U.S. kindergartens place the emphasis on academic hothousing, their German equivalents focus on the social and emotional skills developed through play. It’s all part of the German commitment to raising children with ‘selbstandigkeit’: self-reliance.

It took a serious leap of faith for Zaske to shelve her ingrained, competitive anxiety over her daughter’s education and leave her sunny little girl in this pandemonium. She knew mothers back in the U.S. were following Baby Einstein programmes and spending every hour of the day with their little ones.

But soon she realised she was walking away from the kita not just without her daughter, but without the guilt heaped upon American mothers who put their children into childcare.

In Germany, it is a child’s right and privilege, not misfortune, to be enriched by the social experience of nursery. Home-schooling is against the law.

Sophia’s kita offered regular trips to local parks, child-led projects and even sleepovers — and it came at a fraction of the cost of American childcare. No wonder between 92 and 98 per cent of German children aged between three and five are enrolled, compared with only 23.4 per cent in America.

ACHTUNG BABY by Sara Zaske (Piatkus £14.99)

ACHTUNG BABY by Sara Zaske (Piatkus £14.99)

Sophia flourished, and by the time her brother Ozzie was born, Zaske would hand him over to the kita with delight. She watched them both learn to make their own choices in the German playgrounds that initially struck her as terrifying. She learned to step back philosophically, too, allowing her children to navigate their own way through ideas of religion and mortality gently introduced by their teachers.

She saw them make giggling sense of early years sex education and realised it left them better protected against abuse and less ashamed of their bodies.

Although she was shocked to discover that the age of consent is 14 in Germany, she comforted herself with the fact that the teen birth rate is three-and-a-half times lower than in the U.S. The abortion rate is four-and-a-half times lower and the HIV rate is three-and-a-half times lower.

Worried about letting Sophia walk the streets of Berlin alone, she consulted a friend who said: ‘The smartest thing to do is let go a little bit — and make sure they go to karate class.’

The six years Zaske and her family spent in Berlin convinced them that modern ‘helicopter parenting’ is damaging the very people it aims to protect. Her warm and companionable book passes on details of how the modern German system gave her permission to be herself and to let her children be themselves, too.

I closed it feeling more relaxed and confident. While both my own kids were up a tree.


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk