Doug Jones’ gay son coldly stares at Mike Pence

The internet is going wild over a photo of the openly gay son of newly sworn-in Senator Doug Jones staring icily at arch-conservative Vice President Mike Pence.

Jones, a Democrat, took the oath of office on Wednesday after his surprise victory over Republican Roy Moore in last month’s special elections for the Alabama Senate seat vacated by Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

American political tradition holds that the vice president, whose constitutional powers make him the president of the Senate, conducts the swearing-in ceremony for each new senator elected to the chamber.

In the viral photo taken Wednesday in the Senate, Jones is seen raising his right hand and placing his left hand on a bible held by his wife, Louise Jones.

Pence is seen to the far right reading from a book.

The internet is going wild over this photo showing the openly gay son (second from left) of newly sworn-in Senator Doug Jones (far left) staring icily at arch-conservative Vice President Mike Pence (far right). Doug Jones’ wife, Louise, is seen next to Pence

Standing in between Jones and his wife is Carson Jones, their 22-year-old son who works as a zookeeper and lives in Colorado.

Social media was quick to seize on the photo because Carson is seen giving Pence side-eye.

The vice president has spent his entire political career as a staunch religious conservative who has supported legislation considered by gay rights advocates to be discriminatory.

Pence has opposed the legalization of same-sex marriage and extending protections to those who identify as LGBT.

Senator Jones' son, Carson Jones, 22, works as a zookeeper. He lives in Colorado

Senator Jones’ son, Carson Jones, 22, works as a zookeeper. He lives in Colorado

Last month, Carson Jones confirmed that he was a homosexual. He said he couldn't be prouder of his father for his victory in the special election, defeating Roy Moore to become Alabama's senator

Last month, Carson Jones confirmed that he was a homosexual. He said he couldn’t be prouder of his father for his victory in the special election, defeating Roy Moore to become Alabama’s senator

Carson fueled speculation as to what was going through his mind at that moment. On his Instagram page, he included the photo with the caption ¿#nocaptionneeded¿

Carson fueled speculation as to what was going through his mind at that moment. On his Instagram page, he included the photo with the caption ‘#nocaptionneeded’

As governor of Indiana, Pence signed a controversial bill into law that allowed businesses to legally discriminate against homosexuals and transgender individuals.

The symbolism of Doug Jones’ gay son staring down Pence was not lost on Twitter.

‘Photo of the decade: Doug Jones being sworn in, while his openly gay son QUIETLY DISINTEGRATES THE SOUL OF MIKE PENCE,’ tweeted one Twitter user.

‘If you could take one photo that represents the concept of justice, this photo of Doug Jones being sworn into office standing next to his openly gay son and ummm Mike Pence facilitating the ceremony would be the one,’ wrote another Twitter user.

Carson fueled speculation as to what was going through his mind at that moment.

On his Instagram page, he included the photo with the caption ‘#nocaptionneeded’.

After his father shocked the political world by defeating the controversial Moore, Carson told The Advocate that he ‘couldn’t be prouder.’

‘I am obviously thrilled with my dad’s victory,’ said Carson Jones.

‘We have been overwhelmed by the support of so many people that made this happen. Alabama made a really big statement that unity wins out. I couldn’t be prouder of him or my home state!’

Carson confirmed to the The Advocate that he is a homosexual.

Even before the confirmation, a number of gay bloggers and web sites paid homage to the photogenic ‘hot gay son’ of Alabama’s first Democratic senator in a quarter-century.