Newcastle Batman pyjamas paedophile jailed for 10 months

A man who was caught by paedophile hunters on camera while wearing batman pyjamas has been jailed for ten months.

Warren Milne, 24, from Newcastle asked what he believed to be girls aged 13 and 14 to send him naked pictures and invited them to meet him for sex in a toilet.

In November, he was snared by paedophile hunters who confronted him at his home. 

Milne, who has learning disabilities and the cognitive functioning of a child, was serving a suspended sentence for a similar offence when he was caught out a second time.

Milne answered the door to paedophile hunters wearing Batman pyjamas after trying to speak to schoolgirls 

 His father was caught on a video taken by vigilantes at their front door saying ‘Again?’ when confronted by the group.

 A court heard he also sent a picture of his genitals and told some of them he was a ‘paedo’. 

As the 24-year-old was jailed, a judge said he was ‘appalled’ that Milne’s innocent family have been evicted from their home as a result of his offending and ‘the way they have been treated by the (paedophile hunting) groups concerned.’

Newcastle Crown Court heard the offences came to light as a consequence of ‘self-styled groups policing the internet’, including Predator Hunter and Guardians of the North.

Between August 28 and September 17 a number of fake profiles purporting to be children were accessed by Milne.

Prosecutor Paul Rowland told the court: ‘He thought he was communicating with females who were describing themselves as being between 13 and 14.

‘He was asking them to send naked pictures, inviting them to have sex with him in a disabled toilet in Newcastle.

‘On occasions he told them he was a paedo. Less than sophisticated, one might say. On one occasion he gave his real phone number.’

The court heard he had been given an eight-month suspended prison sentence at the same court last June for similar offences, after going to a shopping centre in Newcastle to meet two fictitious children.

Milne, from West Denton, Newcastle, admitted breaching a sexual harm prevention order imposed on that occasion and four new offences of attempting to meet a child following sexual grooming.

 Imposing a 10 month-sentence, Recorder Ben Nolan QC told him: ‘The offences were committed within a matter of months of a suspended sentence being imposed on you in June last year for similar offences.

‘Keep away from your keyboard when it comes to anyone who posts anything on websites. You don’t understand websites like the people who seek to entrap you.

‘If you keep away from it and don’t look through it, it seems to me you will be well served.’

Elizabeth Muir, defending, said reports show Milne has learning disabilities and an IQ below 70.

She added: ‘He is a young man who has gone through life being somewhat isolated because of his difficulties.

‘He is a man with the cognitive functioning of that of a pre-teen. That’s a clear indicator as to why he has tried to relate to those younger than him.’

Miss Muir said sex offender treatment work ordered after his last conviction had not begun when he offended again, through no fault of Milne’s.

Milne was confronted with chat logs that showed he was trying to speak to children while being subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order

Milne was confronted with chat logs that showed he was trying to speak to children while being subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order

She added: ‘It’s clearly not sophisticated, there was no attempt to disguise who he was, there was even a photo of himself – he sent a picture of his face.

‘He understands what he has been doing was wrong and understands it needs to stop.

‘He has a carer assisting him, he is a young man who can’t even leave the house alone. He was alone and lonely and decided to communicate with people.’

Miss Muir said Milne’s family have been evicted from their home as a result of his behaviour and the way the vigilante groups had posted footage of the confrontation.

She said: ‘Unfortunately, the way these groups operate, they post on Facebook the video of the confrontation with the defendant and from that the house number was shown and the street address was shown. Understandably the landlord was unhappy.

‘His father, mother and brother – who also has severe learning difficulties – have been evicted.

‘It’s understandably caused a massive rift. His parents are still supporting him but have found it extremely difficult. They have always attended court in the past but have not today.’

Recorder Nolan said: ‘I’m somewhat appalled by the fact his perfectly innocent mother and father and brother have been evicted because of his activities and the way they have been treated by the groups concerned.’