Lori Loughlin’s daughter prank calls hotel about virginity

Full House star Lori Loughlin’s YouTube star daughter may well have a future as an actress – at least if her latest video is anything to go by.

Olivia Jade Giannulli, 18, put her acting skills to the test for the quirky new clip, which sees the confident young star prank calling different hotels to ask whether they have found her ‘brother’s lost virginity’.  

The teenager calls several different establishments during the video, including the Wynn Las Vegas, putting on different voices as she speaks to the incredibly confused staff – and all while fellow YouTuber Caspar Lee watches on in glee, laughing and smiling at his co-star’s brazen display.


Causing controversy: Lori Loughlin’s teen daughter stars in a YouTube video with famous vlogger Caspar Lee in which she prank calls hotels asking for her ‘brother’s lost virginity’

Bizarre: Olivia Jade Giannulli, 18, calls different hotels telling the employees that her dad is mad at her brother and screaming at him for losing his virginity and she needs to find it

After explaining her prank plan at the start of the video, Olivia wastes no time diving into the challenge, dialing the number for the Wynn before being connected to a receptionist called Diana.   

Putting on a youthful, girly voice, Olivia sweetly asks whether she can be put through to the lost and found department, waiting patiently as she is transferred to another person. 

‘Hi,’ she says when she gets through to the correct contact. ‘I was just calling because my brother is in a lot of trouble for losing something at your hotel.’

When the operator asks what item she was looking for, Olivia starts hysterically laughing, choking back her giggles and saying with a faux stutter: ‘Um, I think it’s called a virginity?’

The baffled employee hesitates before admitting that she is not sure what Olivia means, and asking to clarify exactly what she is referring to.

‘I don’t know I just overheard my dad yelling at my brother and I just want to help him because it must be really important to him since he’s in so much trouble,’ Olivia says in an oh-so innocent voice.

When asked where exactly she believes her brother lost his ‘virginity’ Olivia says, ‘In a night club,’ as she and Caspar starting laughing uncontrollably.

Hysterical: She couldn’t stop laughing at her own prank calls, sparking a furious response from one staffer who said, ‘Unfortunately that’s not something that we look for,’ before hanging up

Famous duo: The Lost Her Virginity Prank video got over 48,000 likes and almost 700,000 views after being posted on Caspar's YouTube channel

Famous duo: The Lost Her Virginity Prank video got over 48,000 likes and almost 700,000 views after being posted on Caspar’s YouTube channel

After hanging up with one hotel, she continues calling other locations with the same request.

‘My older brother lost something at your hotel and my dad keeps screaming at him so I just wanted to call and see if maybe you guys have seen it,’ she says after getting through to the security team at another place.

When asked what exactly it is that she looking for, Olivia once again says, ‘I think it’s called a virginity.’ 

Clearly unimpressed with the teenager’s prank, the woman on the other end of the phone angrily tells Olivia, ‘No, unfortunately that’s not something that we look for,’ before hanging up abruptly. 

Indeed, throughout the video, Olivia encountered furious and frustrated responses from almost every hotel she contacts – as expected – apart from one good Samaritan who kindly listens to her request in full.

Playing along with Olivia’s little game, the man from security tells the teenager after she reveals what precious item she is looking for: ‘You can’t get it back if you lose it!’

But while the victims of the YouTuber’s prank might not have found her joke very entertaining, her viewers seem to have loved the comedic content. 

The Lost Her Virginity Prank video has thus far racked up over 48,000 likes and almost 700,000 views since being posted on Caspar’s YouTube channel – which has 7,594,909 subscribers – just a few weeks ago.

Trouble: Olivia came under fire back in August 2017 after she recorded a video of herself while driving shortly before getting in an accident

Twins: After getting in the scary car accident, the daughter of the Full House star Lori vowed, 'I promise to never vlog, text, etc. when I drive again'

Twins: After getting in the scary car accident, the daughter of the Full House star Lori vowed, ‘I promise to never vlog, text, etc. when I drive again’

Olivia’s YouTube channel boasts a slightly more modest – but still impressive – 1,188,337 subscribers, despite being at the center of a controversy last year when the rising star filmed herself while driving shortly before getting into a car crash. 

The high school senior came under fire back in August 2017 after posting a controversial video in which she was seen recording herself while driving back from a hair appointment in LA.

Shortly after filming herself behind the wheel, Olivia got into a car accident – and quickly fired up her camera just moments after the incident in order to tape her reaction to the ordeal.  

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Olivia found herself facing serious backlash from viewers after sharing the clip, with many criticizing her for putting herself – and other drivers – at risk by using her camera while at the wheel. 

After the incident happened, Olivia apologized to her subscribers, vowing to never vlog or text while behind the wheel.

‘I promise to never vlog, text, etc. when I drive again because not only could you injure yourself, but you could hurt or kill another person,’ she wrote in the caption of the clip.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk