Platell’s people: John Worboys exposes rotten justice

When a judge gave black cab rapist John Worboys an ‘indeterminate’ jail sentence for raping and sexually assaulting 12 female passengers, it seemed justice had been done.

One of the worst serial sex offenders in modern British history would be behind bars for a very long time.

Or so we all thought. Because this week we were shocked to learn that Worboys is to be released after only 10 years. 

Some of his victims were not even informed in advance of the Parole Board’s decision.

But it is not only those women who have been rightly appalled by the decision to set him free so soon.

All of us should despair that this is just the latest damning example of how the justice system has become utterly rotten. 

When a judge gave black cab rapist John Worboys (pictured) an ‘indeterminate’ jail sentence for raping and sexually assaulting 12 female passengers, it seemed justice had been done

It’s reputation was at a new low already; questions hang over every part — from the police to the Crown Prosecution Service to lawyers, judges, the prison service and the Parole Board.

Too many police chiefs — obsessed with popular causes, such as internet ‘hate speak’ and historical sex abuse — are ignoring more pressing crimes such as burglary and shoplifting.

A drive for increased convictions (led by a feminist Director of Public Prosecutions) has jeopardised the fair trials of men accused of rape. 

What’s more, in several controversial rape cases it has been claimed that crucial evidence was not given to the defence until the 11th hour.

And now, on top of all this, a notorious sex attacker is freed on the say-so of three Parole Board members after a secret hearing.

Or so we all thought. Because this week we were shocked to learn that Worboys (pictured) is to be released after only 10 years

Or so we all thought. Because this week we were shocked to learn that Worboys (pictured) is to be released after only 10 years

Shamefully, the police bungled the Worboys case from the start. Despite fears he may have attacked up to 500 women, many of them were not believed — they were seen as unreliable witnesses, possibly having been drunk. 

A catalogue of failures of procedure followed — the worst of which was the CPS charging Worboys with offences against only 12 women.

And why did Baroness Scotland, the Labour Attorney General when Worboys was convicted, not refer the sentence to the Court of Appeal to decide if it was too lenient?

Ultimately, those 500 women and the rest of us have been let down. Is it any wonder we are losing faith in this incompetent, hand-wringingly liberal judicial process?

Hollywood stars have stepped up their campaign against sexism in the film industry in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal.

Celebrities such as Emma Stone and Natalie Portman want fellow actresses at tomorrow’s Golden Globe Awards to wear black to raise awareness of sexual inequality in all its forms. 

But I’d have a lot more respect for them if they urged other stars to stop performing so many gratuitous nude scenes.

Instead of pathetically claiming they only strip off for ‘artistic reasons’, rather than just admitting they do it willingly to boost their bank balances, Hollywood’s ladies should launch a new campaign . . . #MeNoNudity.

Celebrities such as Emma Stone (left) and Natalie Portman (right) want fellow actresses at tomorrow's Golden Globe Awards to wear black to raise awareness of sexual inequality in all its forms

Celebrities such as Emma Stone (left) and Natalie Portman (right) want fellow actresses at tomorrow’s Golden Globe Awards to wear black to raise awareness of sexual inequality in all its forms

Famously, Princess Diana said: ‘There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded’ about her husband’s affair with Camilla. 

Now we learn Charles and Camilla have three beds in their London home — his, hers and one for when they get it together. Not so crowded for them then.

Charles and Camilla (pictured) have three beds in their London home — his, hers and one for when they get it together

Charles and Camilla (pictured) have three beds in their London home — his, hers and one for when they get it together

More than 2,500 of the 13,000 ‘child refugees’ who’ve been allowed into Britain since 2010 have been proved to have been older than 18.

Yet only 600 of them have been returned home. The cost of looking after each one of these men who have been abusing taxpayers’ hospitality is more than £67,000 a year.

The total bill doesn’t bear thinking about. How blood-boilingly obvious that the money could be better spent tackling our own homelessness crisis.

Spoilt for choice for the most hilarious revelation in the new book about Donald Trump. 

The fact he goes to bed at 6.30pm with a cheeseburger, not his wife? 

That his aides think daughter Ivanka is as dumb as a brick? No, it’s details about how he creates his trademark strawberry-blond bouffant.

It involves enough Just For Men colouring to fill Lake Michigan and requires more backcombing than Joanna Lumley’s beehive as Patsy in Absolutely Fabulous (left). A bottle of Bolly for Donald, sweetie.

The most hilarious revelation in the new book about Donald Trump (left) was how he creates his strawberry-blond bouffant

The most hilarious revelation in the new book about Donald Trump (left) was how he creates his strawberry-blond bouffant

Randy old goat and Ukip leader Henry Bolton, 54, has asked for ‘privacy’ now he’s dumped his third wife (and two young children) for a 25-year-old model. 

No chance of privacy when she’s a shameless publicity-seeker who’s posed for a series of racy photoshoots.

Fresh from the divorce court, Louise Redknapp has relaunched her pop career, saying that after the end of her 19-year marriage, she felt she was coming back ‘to who I really am’. 

Performing on stage recently, she had plenty of cleavage on display and wore knee-high black boots with stockings. 

A strange choice for the mother of two young boys. But, then, the singer spoke before about her marriage breakdown saying she spent too long ‘pleasing everyone else’ and ‘looking after my kids and husband’. 

Fresh from the divorce court, Louise Redknapp (right) has relaunched her pop career, saying that after the end of her 19-year marriage to her ex-husband Jamie (left), she felt she was coming back 'to who I really am'

Fresh from the divorce court, Louise Redknapp (right) has relaunched her pop career, saying that after the end of her 19-year marriage to her ex-husband Jamie (left), she felt she was coming back ‘to who I really am’

Many of us were sceptical of Madonna’s motives in adopting four Malawian orphans. At the time, I said it was a deeply distasteful PR stunt — a case of the singer using them as fashion accessories to vaunt her global conscience. 

But goodness, how she’s proved me wrong. Madonna is planning to build four more schools in Malawi this year, taking the total she has funded to 14. Have to admit it. She’s not such a Material Girl after all. 

  • Calling for a second or even a third EU referendum, Tony Blair claimed Brexit is deterring investment. 

On the same day, it was revealed the UK was Europe’s top destination for tech-sector investment last year — attracting nearly £3 billion, four times more than Germany and France. That’s why they call him ‘Tony B-liar’.

  • Well done Theresa May for personally ensuring that the hero who tried to stop MP Jo Cox being murdered was awarded the George Medal, albeit posthumously. The bravery of Bernard Kelly, who was 79, merited nothing less.
  • Vogue named Sophie Walker, leader of the Women’s Equality Party, as one of its ‘New Suffragettes’ — females ‘fighting to empower women’. Sophie has a challenge ahead. 

Her party got 3,580 votes at the last election, 310 fewer than the Monster Raving Loonies.

Vogue named Sophie Walker (pictured), leader of the Women's Equality Party, as one of its 'New Suffragettes'

Vogue named Sophie Walker (pictured), leader of the Women’s Equality Party, as one of its ‘New Suffragettes’

Many men have a picture of their wife and children on their office desk or as a screen-saver. 

But Simon Cowell prefers a 10 ft photo of himself on the wall. 

‘Every time I look at the picture, I feel good. You have to have a big ego if you do what I do,’ he says. 

The only surprise is that the portrait is just 10 ft tall. Get a bigger office, Simon! You know you’re worth it.

Royal experts were surprised by reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated the New Year with his ‘friend’ Prince Albert of Monaco. But I’m not.

Yes, the relationship between the Windsors and the Grimaldis may not be a strong one, but isn’t actress-turned-royal Meghan simply chasing tips on how to be the perfect princess from the son of one-time Hollywood siren Princess Grace?

The parallels are obvious. By marrying Prince Rainier in 1956, Grace Kelly gave up her Oscar-winning career, aged 26, to be a royal and devote her life to family and charitable works.

The American became the world’s most glamorous and famous royal. It’s the perfect blueprint for Meghan.

But a word of advice: heed what the Queen said to her ebullient sister Margaret in the TV drama The Crown — that it is the royals’ duty to be ‘boring’.

Royal experts were surprised by reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated the New Year with his 'friend' Prince Albert of Monaco. But I'm not, writes Amanda Platell 

Royal experts were surprised by reports that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrated the New Year with his ‘friend’ Prince Albert of Monaco. But I’m not, writes Amanda Platell