The Northern lights are almost guaranteed on Nordic voyage

Snow-capped mountains seem to glide past as I wallow in a hot tub on deck. Then it’s a case of enjoying a five-course dinner in the restaurant, with seafood picked up at fishing villages that day.

No, there is not a West-End-style stage show to finish the evening; instead I snuggle under a blanket on a sun-lounger to watch something even better — the Northern Lights. 

My cruise on a small Hurtigruten ship pottering along Norway’s northern coast may not involve multiple swimming pools or tinkling casinos — but thanks to this nightly performance it’s the match of any big ship from a major cruise line.

A ship cruises past a fjord in Norway.  You can take a 12-day trip to Norway on Hurtigruten to see the Northern Lights 

Take a 12-day trip before the end of March and Hurtigruten guarantees you’ll see the Northern Lights. If not, they’ll give you another chance — on a free seven-day cruise.

I am on a shorter five-day trip, which starts at remote Kirkenes, next to Norway’s border with Russia, and finishes at the historic Viking port of Trondheim.

Hurtigruten’s fleet is a part of Norwegian history. For the past 120 years, it has operated like an Arctic bus service. Eleven ferries transport trucks, cars, freight and passengers between 34 ports north of Bergen. 

Depending on the size of each coastal settlement, ships stop for several hours — or as little as five minutes. Hurtigruten passengers can get off anywhere and stay, then jump back on the next passing ship.

In fact, Norway subsidises the service because it links outposts that would otherwise take all day to reach by road. I meet someone using it to go to a hospital appointment in the next town.

The shorter first day trip starts in Kirkenes, pictured, next to Norway’s border with Russia, and finishes at the historic Viking port of Trondheim

The shorter first day trip starts in Kirkenes, pictured, next to Norway’s border with Russia, and finishes at the historic Viking port of Trondheim

The rugged utilitarian ships used be a traditional butt of Norwegian jokes. Those who holidayed on these oily old freighters were surely mad, said locals. ‘Hurtigruten was like a ferry. It stood for bad food and boring travel,’ one Norwegian tells me over dinner.

He looks up from the fantastic fresh seafood and adds: ‘It’s not now.’

Is it because Norway is now such a rich country? No, it’s because British businessmen took over this Norwegian institution two years ago. They recognised the tourism potential of sailing these mountainous fjords, islands and inlets. 

My ship, the recently modernised Nordkapp, is a luxurious working vessel where a wealthy American couple might find themselves sitting next to a Scandinavian lorrydriver or fisherman on his way to market.


Norway is planning the world’s first underwater tunnel buoyed by floats, shortening the 21-hour coastal drive to ten hours 

Cabins are a little smaller than on a normal cruise liner, but still offer sumptuous beds, neat en-suites and big TVs. Public decks feature homely touches such as rocking chairs and sofas. The on-board shop sells thick Norwegian sweaters.

By day, you can gaze at the scenery or jump into a boat for an unforgettable Arctic adventure. The new owners introduced 100 excursions, from husky sledding to snowmobiling. In summer there are options such as kayaking or giant king crab fishing.

I take an exhilarating trip to the rocky headland our ship was named after. Nordkapp is Norway’s John o’ Groats, the last mainland before the North Pole. I cling on as my boat bounces across a black, icy sea to reach the cliffs of ‘North Cape’ while spotting giant sea eagles, Europe’s largest birds of prey.

Normally, I would be sceptical of Hurtigruten brochures wildly describing the route as ‘the world’s most beautiful voyage’. Then I take another open-boat excursion round the Lofoten Islands.

We whizz through a narrow gap between sheer jagged cliffs to explore Trollfjord, one of the most glorious landscapes I’ve ever seen. The brochures aren’t exaggerating.


Hurtigruten (, 0203 1312281) offers a 12-day Norway Coast cruise between Kirkenes and Bergen from £996pp, flights from £330 return.