Trump slams return of ABC’s Brian Ross despite demotion

President Donald Trump took aim at ABC News’ chief investigative reporter, Brian Ross, after his return to the network following his suspension.

‘Brian Ross, the reporter who made a fraudulent live newscast about me that drove the Stock Market down 350 points (billions of dollars), was suspended for a month but is now back at ABC NEWS in a lower capacity,’ Trump wrote on Saturday morning.

‘He is no longer allowed to report on Trump. Should have been fired!’ the president added.   

ABC News was forced to issue a correction after Ross reported incorrectly on live television that ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn would testify that Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while Trump was still a candidate.

The report spread quickly before it was corrected, and stocks plunged shortly after. Ross was subsequently suspended for four weeks without pay.

Sources told CNN that Ross will still have the title of ‘chief investigative correspondent’ but he will be focusing on ‘long-term projects’. 


President Donald Trump took aim at ABC News’s chief investigative reporter, Brian Ross, after his return to the network following his suspension, saying he should have been fired (pictured)

Ross (pictured, July 2016) was subsequently suspended for four weeks without pay following an incorrect report on ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn

Ross (pictured, July 2016) was subsequently suspended for four weeks without pay following an incorrect report on ousted national security adviser Michael Flynn

He reported incorrectly on live television that Flynn would testify that Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while Trump was still a candidate (Pictured, Flynn and Trump at a rally in Colorado, October 2016)

He reported incorrectly on live television that Flynn would testify that Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while Trump was still a candidate (Pictured, Flynn and Trump at a rally in Colorado, October 2016)

ABC News president James Goldston announced at an editorial meeting on Friday that Ross would be reassigned to ABC News’ outside production house, Lincoln Square Productions, starting Monday. 

Lincoln Square Productions is separate from the rest of ABC News and creates unscripted programming for ABC and cable channels such as Discovery Life and Investigation Discovery. 

Ross, who arrived at ABC in 1994, will work with his longtime producer Rhonda Schwartz and still appear on both ’20/20′ and ‘Nightline’ as needed, a source close to the situation told Fox News.

However an insider said he would ‘never be on ABC air again’. 

The source speculated that the correspondent was handed a sinecure while his contract winds down.

Goldston also told staffers last month that Ross would never again be allowed to cover President Trump. 

ABC News has steered increasingly away from investigations in recent years and does not have another dedicated investigative correspondent. 

The blunder gave President Donald Trump further ammunition in his continuous 'fake news' assault on the media

The blunder gave President Donald Trump further ammunition in his continuous ‘fake news’ assault on the media

For his part, Ross wrote on Twitter that his job 'is to hold people accountable

For his part, Ross wrote on Twitter that his job ‘is to hold people accountable

ABC News president James Goldston also told staffers last month that Ross (pictured) would never again be allowed to cover President Trump

Goldston said that he didn't think he had ever felt more rage and frustration as he did after the botched report was revealed

ABC News president James Goldston (right) also told staffers last month that Ross (left) would never again be allowed to cover President Trump and that he didn’t think he had ever felt more rage and frustration as he did after the botched report was revealed

Trump (pictured, Thursday) congratulated ABC on suspending Ross but continued an assault on the media for reporting 'fake news'

Trump (pictured, Thursday) congratulated ABC on suspending Ross but continued an assault on the media for reporting ‘fake news’

After ABC was forced to retract the report, Goldston said in a staff call that that he didn’t think he had ever felt more rage and frustration as he did after the botched report was revealed.

‘I don’t even know how many times we’ve talked about this, how many times we have talked about the need to get it right,’ he said in a staff call, acceding to CNN.

‘That how we have to be right and not first. About how in this particular moment, with the stakes as high as these stakes are right now, we cannot afford to get it wrong.’

The blunder gave President Donald Trump further ammunition in his continuous ‘fake news’ assault on the media.  

He tweeted after the suspension: ‘Congratulations to @ABC News for suspending Brian Ross for his horrendously inaccurate and dishonest report on the Russia, Russia, Russia Witch Hunt. More Networks and ‘papers’ should do the same with their Fake News!’  

For his part, Ross wrote on Twitter that his job ‘is to hold people accountable’ and noted, ‘That’s why I agree with being held accountable myself.’