Theresa May could delay promoting Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt’s promotion could be delayed during next week’s cabinet reshuffle over the worsening crisis in the NHS.

Theresa May wants the Health Secretary to take on the role of de facto deputy prime minister following Damian Green’s resignation last month. 

But it is understood the Prime Minister will spend the weekend considering whether or not to keep in his current role until spring — instead of moving him as part of a cabinet reshuffle designed to refresh the government. 

Familiar faces in the Cabinet Philip Hammond, the Chancellor, Amber Rudd, the Home Secretary, Boris Johnson, the Foreign Secretary, and David Davis, the Brexit Secretary, are all expected to remain in their posts to avoid ‘destabalising’ the government, according to The Daily Telegraph.

Theresa May is considering whether to delay Mr Hunt's promotion due to the deepening crisis in the NHS

Theresa May wants the Health Secretary to take on the role of de facto deputy prime minister following Damian Green’s resignation last month

Mr Hunt apologised to NHS patients who had their operations delayed. The crisis impacting the Health Service is expected to deepen due to freezing weather and flu  

Mr Hunt apologised to NHS patients who had their operations delayed. The crisis impacting the Health Service is expected to deepen due to freezing weather and flu  

Mrs May can not delay the move much longer as Mr Green was chairman of nine Cabinet sub-committees.  

It comes after health officials said the crisis in the NHS could deepen, with freezing temperatures expected over this weekend and a flu epidemic declared across the Channel. 

‘Everyone is expecting Jeremy to get Damian Green’s job, but it would look bad to replace the Health Secretary in the middle of an NHS emergency,’ a senior cabinet source told The Daily Telegraph.

The Prime Minister's chief of staff, Gavin Barwell, is understood to have succeeded in a debate in favour of promoting younger MPs

The Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Gavin Barwell, is understood to have succeeded in a debate in favour of promoting younger MPs

‘There is a debate going on about whether she could reshuffle other posts and somehow delay Jeremy’s promotion, perhaps by announcing he has got the job but saying he won’t start for another few weeks.’

The Prime Minister’s chief of staff, Gavin Barwell, is understood to have succeeded in a debate in favour of promoting younger MPs, after worried aides said that it could lead to a backlash among sacked minsters. 

The Health Secretary is set to be the biggest winner in the reshuffle, while Sir Patrick McLoughlin, the party chairman, will leave the Cabinet to make way for new faces.

The Education Secretary, Justine Greening, is expected to be demoted along with Business Secretary Greg Clark. 

Education Secretary Justine Greening

Business Secretary Greg Clark

The Education Secretary, Justine Greening (left), is expected to be demoted along with Business Secretary Greg Clark (right)

Immigration Minister Brandon Lewis (pictured) is expected to replace Sir Patrick

James Cleverly (pictured), Mr Lewis' Parliamentary Private Secretary, set to take on the role of deputy chairman

Immigration Minister Brandon Lewis is expected to replace Sir Patrick, while James Cleverly, Mr Lewis’ Parliamentary Private Secretary, set to take on the role of deputy chairman

The Health Secretary is set to be the biggest winner in the reshuffle, while Sir Patrick McLoughlin, the party chairman (pictured), will leave the Cabinet to make way for new faces

The Health Secretary is set to be the biggest winner in the reshuffle, while Sir Patrick McLoughlin, the party chairman (pictured), will leave the Cabinet to make way for new faces

Immigration Minister Brandon Lewis is expected to replace Sir Patrick, while James Cleverly, Mr Lewis’ Parliamentary Private Secretary, set to take on the role of deputy chairman. 

Others who will be expecting a call include climate change minister Claire Perry, justice minister, Dominic Raab, and Anne Milton, a former nurse who could replace Mr Hunt. 

But calls for Brexit-supporting Jacob Rees-Mogg to be appointed to a cabinet role are likely to be ignored because he has never held a ministerial post before.