Gary Goldsmith and the wife he knocked out make up

It has been only weeks since the Duchess of Cambridge’s wayward uncle was kicked out of his home after knocking his wife unconscious in a drunken street row – but Gary Goldsmith and his victim Julie-Ann have now had an extraordinary reconciliation.

The pair kissed and made up during a New Year’s Eve party at his villa in Ibiza, a pleasure palace dubbed Maison de Bang Bang.

Until then, Gary, 52, had spent several ‘miserable’ weeks alone in a hotel after being thrown out of the Central London penthouse he shared with Julie-Ann, 48.

Goldsmith and Julie-Ann Brown, pictured at The Frozen Ground premiere in London, have made up in Ibiza after he knocked her out in a drunken row 

In October, he struck her with a powerful ‘left hook’ which sent her tumbling to the pavement after a night out turned nasty. The couple had argued in the taxi on the way home, with Julie-Ann accusing her husband of taking drugs and him calling her a ‘whore’.

After his arrest, police banned Gary from seeing or talking to his wife while he was on bail, and he was threatened with a restraining order. He was subsequently fined £5,000 for the attack, with magistrate Emma Arbuthnot calling him a ‘mean, nasty drunk’ and ordering him to attend an alcohol rehabilitation programme.

Goldsmith and his wife of five years celebrated the New Year at his pleasure palace, which was dubbed Maison de Bang Bang 

Goldsmith and his wife of five years celebrated the New Year at his pleasure palace, which was dubbed Maison de Bang Bang 

The Duchess of Cambridge's uncle was branded a 'mean, nasty drunk' by a judge after he punched his wife 

The Duchess of Cambridge’s uncle was branded a ‘mean, nasty drunk’ by a judge after he punched his wife 

But Julie-Ann’s attitude to her husband of five years softened as she spent the festive period with friends at Maison de Bang Bang – which has previously hosted Prince William – and by the New Year’s Eve bash she was back in her husband’s arms. When asked if they were together again, millionaire Gary told The Mail on Sunday: ‘We’ve had a great New Year. It’s been really good fun, so yes.

‘But we’d prefer to be left to get on with things.’

Before leaving Ibiza this weekend, he tweeted: ‘When two people really care about each other they will always look for a way to make it work, no matter how hard it is.’

Fiancee of Meghan Markle’s brother thrown in jail for hitting him in boozy New Year’s Eve row

Meghan Markle’s half-brother Tom last night vowed to ‘seek help’ after a drunken brawl with his fiancee on New Year’s Eve.

The flare-up in their Oregon home led to Darlene Blount being thrown into jail for two nights for assault.

Tom initially told The Mail on Sunday Ms Blount had began ‘pummelling me in the face with her fists’, but last night he changed his tune and said the injuries he sustained were self-inflicted.

Tom Markle Jr and his fiancee, Darlene, have vowed to seek help in order to help their issues

Tom Markle Jr and his fiancee, Darlene, have vowed to seek help in order to help their issues

And Tom – who was last year arrested for brandishing a gun at his fiancee during another drunken fracas – says they will both attend alcohol and relationship counselling.

He blamed the pressure of being in the public eye for his woes, saying: ‘It hasn’t been easy. Meghan’s relationship with Prince Harry has shone a spotlight on our family. It doesn’t help when you have issues and your sister is engaged to Royalty. It adds a whole new level of scrutiny.

‘We’ve been under a lot of stress because of all the attention. At some point you find yourself drinking too much to escape the pressure.’

Darlene's police mugshot after she and Tom Markle Jr had a drunken row on New Year's Eve

Darlene’s police mugshot after she and Tom Markle Jr had a drunken row on New Year’s Eve

As Prince Harry and Ms Markle reportedly ushered in the New Year ‘partying like tycoons’ in the millionaires’ playground of Monaco, Tom and Darlene were downing beers and whisky at the decidedly less salubrious Cedarwood Saloon in their home town of Grant’s Pass.

Tom, 51, who has the same father as Meghan, said he and Darlene, 37, rowed at the bar before she stormed off. He returned to their bungalow and continued drinking, becoming increasingly enraged.

The fiancee of Meghan's brother was thrown in jail after she hit Tom Markle Jr during a drunken row 

The fiancee of Meghan’s brother was thrown in jail after she hit Tom Markle Jr during a drunken row 

When Darlene finally came home she immediately began downing a bottle of bourbon.

‘I said some swear words, it turned into an argument,’ Tom confessed.

Darlene called police – but ended up being arrested herself. ‘I might have said that Darlene beat me up,’ Tom said. ‘She was arrested for domestic violence. It was a big confusion.’

Mr Markle, who paid $1,000 to bail his fiancee out of jail, said: ‘We’d both been drinking. I was sitting on the couch and got up really fast, hit myself and gave myself a fat lip.’

Josephine County District Attorney’s office last night confirmed that Darlene would not face prosecution.