Mother shares powerful message for women afraid of birth

For many women, childbirth is a scary prospect, with people fearing everything from labour to caesareans and the health of their unborn baby.

But one mother wants parents-to-be to stop all of that.

Melbourne-based mummy blogger, Laura Mazza, issued a powerful open letter to mothers on her Facebook page, titled ‘Don’t fear birth’.

The resulting missive from the 31-year-old has resonated hugely with people online, with close to 2,000 comments, likes and shares.

Melbourne-based mummy blogger, Laura Mazza (pictured), issued a powerful open letter to mothers on her Facebook page , titled ‘Don’t fear birth’

The resulting missive from the 31-year-old (pictured) has resonated hugely with people online, with close to 2,000 comments, likes and shares

The resulting missive from the 31-year-old (pictured) has resonated hugely with people online, with close to 2,000 comments, likes and shares

'I know the horror stories scare you. I know if you are like I was, you might even fear that you won't come out of it alive,' the mum of two (Laura's children pictured) wrote in her letter

‘I know the horror stories scare you. I know if you are like I was, you might even fear that you won’t come out of it alive,’ the mum of two (Laura’s children pictured) wrote in her letter

 ‘Dear pregnant mamas, Don’t fear birth,’ Laura began her now-viral post.

‘I know the horror stories scare you. I know if you are like I was, you might even fear that you won’t come out of it alive. Labour is a scary word. It’s hard work, there’s a reason it’s called labour. You travel to another place to collect a soul and give it life. That’s wonderful but hard work.

‘It’s normal to fear birth,’ she continued.

‘It’s normal to worry about you and your baby. Human beings are the only species that doubt our ability to give birth.’

'It's normal to worry about you and your baby. Human beings are the only species that doubt our ability to give birth,' she added

‘It’s normal to worry about you and your baby. Human beings are the only species that doubt our ability to give birth,’ she added

The mum-of-two, who is currently expecting her third child, revealed that she believed she’d ‘failed’ during her first delivery because she found it so difficult. 

‘My first birth made me vulnerable,’ Laura wrote.

‘I listened to thousands of women tell me “but women have been doing it for years” and I believed I failed, because it wasn’t easy.’

But, she said, she didn’t fail: ‘I just forgot my power. So I took it back, and I came back ready and stronger. I used my power. You have that power too.’ 

Laura (pictured), who is currently expecting her third child, revealed that she believed she'd 'failed' during her first delivery because she found it so difficult

Laura (pictured), who is currently expecting her third child, revealed that she believed she’d ‘failed’ during her first delivery because she found it so difficult

Towards the end of her letter, Laura urged other mums to take back the control of their birth – and do what was best for them.

‘If you want to go with a 5 page birth plan because anxiety is getting to you. Do it,’ she wrote.

‘If you want to take pain relief. Do it. If you want to feel every bit of it because you can, do it.

‘You have every right to chose how you want to birth your baby. It’s your body, it’s your baby. And If things don’t go to plan, you didn’t fail, you did what’s best to get your baby here safely, and what a selfless sacrifice that is.’

'Birth is normal, fear is normal, and you, never underestimate yourself, because you mama, you are powerful,' Laura (pictured) said

‘Birth is normal, fear is normal, and you, never underestimate yourself, because you mama, you are powerful,’ Laura (pictured) said

She added that there is ‘nothing wrong with having a cesarean’:

‘There’s nothing wrong with a vaginal birth. Whether you birth in a bath, or a hospital, whether you have a VBAC or drugs. There is nothing wrong,’ Laura wrote.

‘What is wrong is when a mother is judged unfairly.

‘You deserve to be celebrated. You grew a baby, you gave life to a baby, and you birthed it. Whether that is vaginal, cesarean, with pain relief or no pain relief, you did it. YOU!

‘Birth is normal, fear is normal, and you, never underestimate yourself, because you mama, you are powerful.’

Since the mother-of-two (pictured) posted on Facebook, she has received an influx of support from other mums who have taken heed of her words

Since the mother-of-two (pictured) posted on Facebook, she has received an influx of support from other mums who have taken heed of her words

Since the mother-of-two posted on Facebook, she has received an influx of support from other mums who have taken heed of her words.

‘I’m 6 months pregnant with my first and almost cringe when people talk about birth! I’m so scared but reading this has helped, even if it’s just a little,’ one person wrote.

‘I love this,’ another added.