Tiffany Trump appears to confirm dad eats McDonalds in bed

Tiffany Trump says her president papa ‘wishes’ he could eat McDonalds in bed every night, when asked about claims made in the explosive book ‘Fire and Fury,’ while she was out in Los Angeles.

Trump’s youngest daughter was approached by a TMZ photog who said: ‘I don’t know if you’ve read Fire and Fury, but it mentions your dad and McDonalds…’ to which Tiffany responds, ‘That’s what he does, he loves McDonalds!’ 

The photog pressed, ‘Does he eat it every night in bed?’ To which Tiffany wryly replied: ‘He wishes.’ 

Author Michael Wolff claims that President Donald Trump prefers McDonalds because its safely premade and favors burgers in bed

The president's youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump (pictured), says the president 'wishes' he could eat McDonalds  in bed every night

Tiffany and Donald Trump

The president’s youngest daughter, Tiffany Trump (pictured), says the president ‘wishes’ he could eat McDonalds in bed every night 

According to one of the shocking claims in the instant best seller, Trump’s taste for McDonald’s goes deeper than a liking for cheap meat, he prefers it because he fears being poisoned. 

Author Michael Wolff writes one of the reasons the president prefers fast food is that no one knows he is coming to the establishment, and the food is, presumably, safely premade.

While eating McDonalds, specifically, ‘every night in bed’ wasn’t an actual line in the book, the photog could have been mixing the information with another item about how Trump would sometimes stay in his room and eat a burger in bed at 6:30pm while watching three televisions.

However, Trump has never been quiet about his love of fast, fatty foods, and has specifically called out the golden arches for the chain’s ‘consistency,’ and has said it feels like a safe eating option.

He told CNN in 2016 ‘One bad hamburger, you can destroy McDonald’s.’ He added, ‘I’m a very clean person. I like cleanliness, and I think you’re better off going there than maybe someplace that you have no idea where the food’s coming from. It’s a certain standard.’ 

Wolff says he was able to gather the information for the book in over 200 interviews, with some of the information provided on the record and some off.

Wolff writes that Trump was often the source of the embarrassing information that was later printed about him, complaining day and night on the phone to people he should not have trusted. Trump is seen here on the phone in August

Wolff writes that Trump was often the source of the embarrassing information that was later printed about him, complaining day and night on the phone to people he should not have trusted. Trump is seen here on the phone in August

The White House is furious over allegations found in author Michael Wolff's book 

The White House is furious over allegations found in author Michael Wolff’s book 

The details were culled over 18 months, after Wolff had taken up what he calls ‘something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing,’ and as more of a ‘constant interloper than an invited guest.’ 

Wolff writes that Trump was often the source of the embarrassing information that was later printed about him, complaining day and night to people he could not trust in the first place.

‘He was a river of grievances, which recipients of his calls promptly spread to the ever-attentive media,’ Wolff’s excerpt says. 

A detailed, 26 minute phone conversation one source had with the president, is put forth at the beginning of the book.

In the February 6 conversation, Trump called New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman – ‘a nut job’ and columnist Gail Collins – ‘a moron.’ 

Trump also ranted about a Time magazine cover that labeled Steve Bannon the shadow president.

‘How much influence do you think Steve Bannon has over me?’ Trump allegedly said. ‘Zero! Zero!’

In that same phone call, Trump also berated his son-in-law Jared Kushner, the acquaintance of Trump supposedly told Wolff.