Perth driver fined $1,000 for towing 30cm too wide boat

An unlucky fisherman has been fined $1,000 for towing his boat because it was 30cm too wide for the freeway.

The car with the 2.8m-wide vessel hitched to the back was pulled over on Perth’s Kwinana Freeway on Saturday and handed the hefty fine.

WA Police then bragged about issuing the infringement on its traffic Twitter account, famous for posting photos of fine notices and seized cars.

It wrote: ‘2.8m wide on the Kwinana Freeway! I don’t think so… Severe width breach $1000 #gunnaneedasmallerboat’.

An unlucky fisherman has been fined $1,000 for towing his 2.8m boat because it was 30cm too wide for the Kwinana Freeway in Perth, then police bragged about it online

WA road rules state vehicles can’t tow anything wider than 2.5m on freeways without a permit issued by Main Roads WA.

All lanes on the freeway, which runs north-south through the middle of Perth, are 3.5m wide, Main Roads WA said. 

Social media users slammed police for giving the driver a four-figure fine when his boat was just 30cm wider than allowed.

‘What a great use of resources by the police… Just think of how many lives were saved,’ one wrote sarcastically.

Social media users slammed police for giving the driver a four-figure fine when his boat was just 30cm wider than allowed

Social media users slammed police for giving the driver a four-figure fine when his boat was just 30cm wider than allowed

‘Good to see they are picking up the drug addicts and real criminals in the world! Flogs,’ another wrote.

Other unhappy Perth residents though police bragging about the fine on social media was inappropriate.

‘So you have just ruined someone’s day/weekend/christmas break. Why post like its an accomplishment?’ one wrote.

Other unhappy Perth residents though police bragging about the fine on social media was inappropriate

Other unhappy Perth residents though police bragging about the fine on social media was inappropriate

This poster was referencing a lawyer who was last month awarded a $2.6 million defamation payout against WA Police

This poster was referencing a lawyer who was last month awarded a $2.6 million defamation payout against WA Police

He followed up with ‘gotta pay off Lloyd Raney somehow I guess’ in reference to a lawyer who was last month awarded a $2.6 million defamation payout against WA Police.

Another wrote: ‘Wow the blue shirt gang even has time to take a pic and upload it too must be getting paid way too much.’

Finally, the boat was said to be narrower than groups of cyclists hated for blocking lanes by riding two or three abreast on major roads.