Florida man calls 911 on himself for DUI

Michael Lester, of Winter Haven, Florida, called the Polk County Sheriff office dispatcher who directed officers to his location on Sunday evening

A Florida man allegedly called local authorities on New Years Eve to alert them that someone was driving under the influence – himself. 

Michael Lester, of Winter Haven, Florida, called the Polk County Sheriff office dispatcher who directed officers to his location on Sunday evening. 

‘I’m too drunk. I don’t know where I’m at,’ Lester said to the dispatcher in an audio recording that the department posted on their Facebook.

And during the call, the dispatcher can be heard trying to direct the man to the side of the road, but he keeps telling her that he is near a police department and nothing is happening. 

He informs the dispatcher that he is driving a red F150 truck and when told that officers are headed to his location, adds: ‘I think I am going to get something to eat, they can just catch up with me later.’

'I'm too drunk. I don't know where I'm at,' Lester said to the dispatcher in an audio recording that the department posted on their Facebook

'I'm too drunk. I don't know where I'm at,' Lester said to the dispatcher in an audio recording that the department posted on their Facebook

‘I’m too drunk. I don’t know where I’m at,’ Lester said to the dispatcher. The police department later posted the audio recording on their Facebook page 

But the dispatcher doesn’t let Lester off the line, insisting that he share with her his last name, to which he refuses. 

And when she tries to figure out where exactly the man is driving, Lester shares: ‘I’m driving on the wrong side of the road.’

As sirens can be heard in the background, Lester attempts to get off the phone with the dispatcher, but she refuses. 

The conversation, which has been edited for time, continues to spiral as the two can’t seem to reach an agreement on Lester sharing his location. 

Luckily, the dispatcher was able to get deputies to Lester’s location. 

Officials added that Lester has a criminal history of a previous DUI, aggravated battery, drug possession, disorderly conduct, resisting and hit & run

Officials added that Lester has a criminal history of a previous DUI, aggravated battery, drug possession, disorderly conduct, resisting and hit & run

‘Michael first told the deputy he had only two beers (standard drunk answer). Then he changed it to three or four (slightly more accurate),’ said the sheriff’s office on Facebook. 

‘He also mentioned that he had only slept four hours in the past four days. Oh, and he also said that he had swallowed meth earlier, instead of smoking it.’

Officials added that Lester has a criminal history of a previous DUI, aggravated battery, drug possession, disorderly conduct, resisting and hit & run.

‘Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious crime. Innocent people are too often injured or killed from impaired drivers. DUI is not a laughing matter,’ the department said on Facebook.

‘However…in this particular incident, nobody was hurt, so we couldn’t help but LOTO (that means we Laughed Our Tasers Off).’

In addition to the DUI, Lester was cited for driving on the wrong side of the road, improper use of the center lane and no seat belt.  

In addition to the DUI, Lester was cited for driving on the wrong side of the road, improper use of the center lane and no seat belt

In addition to the DUI, Lester was cited for driving on the wrong side of the road, improper use of the center lane and no seat belt




Read more at DailyMail.co.uk