Britons were bombarded with 2.2bn nuisance phone calls

British consumers were bombarded with 2.2 billion nuisance calls and texts relating to an injury-related claim, pension, PPI or other insurance related matters in 2017.

This figure translates to more than six million nuisance calls and texts made every day, or 4,200 calls and texts made every minute, research using Ofcom data and commissioned by Aviva shows.

The report says that some 895 million nuisance calls and texts were made chasing an injury claim for an accident that may or may not have occurred, or other insurance-related matter such as pursuing a holiday sickness claim. 

As a result, a fresh call for a ban on the menace of unsolicited telephone calls and texts chasing personal injury and insurance claims has made today in a bid to save millions more Britons from being hounded.    

British consumers were bombarded with 2.2 billion nuisance calls and texts relating to an injury-related claim, pension, PPI or other insurance related matters in 2017

Nuisance calls chasing an accident claim were the most common concern reported by consumers to the Information Commissioners Office.

Those behind cold calling – regardless of the purpose (accident, pension or PPI) – have relentlessly targeted those aged over 65, who received more nuisance calls than any other age group. 

Nearly one in three nuisance calls and texts targeted someone 65 or older.

MPs are set to debate the Financial Guidance and Claims Bill which proposes the creation of a single financial guidance body. 

According to the current draft of this new legislation, the guidance body will consider the impact of cold-calling on consumers and can recommend a ban on cold calls to the Secretary of State, who will have the power to introduce such a ban.

Aviva is calling for a ban on these cold calls relating to a pension, PPI, insurance claim or similar issue where there is no established relationship with the consumer. 

Consumers overwhelmingly agree: in a survey of more than 2,000 adults on behalf of the insurance giant, 85 percent of consumers said they support a ban on nuisance calls.

Rob Townend, UK Claims Director at Aviva, said: ‘Enough is enough. Nuisance calls are a national epidemic which must be stopped. 

‘Whether it is a call chasing an injury you may or may not have sustained in an accident, or a pension scammer attempting to con unsuspecting individuals out of their hard-earned retirement savings, there is no place in our society for them.

‘Aviva is urging the Government to put a swift end to these cold calls. 

‘The Financial Guidance and Claims Bill currently before Parliament is a terrific opportunity to ban these unsolicited calls once and for all. 

‘If the Government is serious about protecting all members of our society, including the most vulnerable, then it should take decisive action and ban them.’ 

Claims management companies (CMCs) frequently use nuisance calls to target consumers who may have been injured in a car accident. 

CMCs are attracted to such claims due to the large fees they receive in exchange for passing the claimant to an organisation that can help them pursue their claim.

This financial incentive is driving the aggressive calling and texting of consumers, regardless of whether they had an accident or were injured. Aviva is calling on the FCA, which will be the new claims management regulator, to introduce a cap on the fees CMCs can charge for handling injury claims. 

In April 2015, the government introduced new pension freedoms, allowing anyone aged 55 and over with a defined contribution pension to take all or part of their retirement savings as a lump sum. 

Since then, pensions-related nuisance calls are estimated to have increased by around 2.7million, as pension scammers exploit the new rules to con hard-working consumers out of their retirement savings.

Government estimates indicate that fraudsters have conned more than £43 million from pension pots since 2014.  

In April 2015, the government introduced new pension freedoms, allowing anyone aged 55 and over with a defined contribution pension to take all or part of their retirement savings as a lump sum. Since then, pensions-related nuisance calls are estimated to have increased by around 2.7million, as pension scammers exploit the new rules to con hard-working consumers out of their retirement savings

In April 2015, the government introduced new pension freedoms, allowing anyone aged 55 and over with a defined contribution pension to take all or part of their retirement savings as a lump sum. Since then, pensions-related nuisance calls are estimated to have increased by around 2.7million, as pension scammers exploit the new rules to con hard-working consumers out of their retirement savings

For those who receive a nuisance call or text, the question is frequently, ‘how did they get my telephone number or personal data?’ 

The value of such data – for example, information relating to an accident which may have resulted in an injury – has created a black market where illegally obtained personal data is bought and sold. 

There is very strong support for tougher penalties for those caught buying and selling illegally obtained consumer data, with 87 percent in favour of tougher penalties.

While 57 percent of consumers said nuisance calls were ‘the most annoying thing about owning a phone’, 18 percent also said the calls were ‘intimidating’ and 13 percent were made to feel ‘anxious’ by them.