ISIS ‘White Beard’ executioner escaped with £5,500 bribe 

An ISIS executioner known as ‘White Beard’ bribed his way to freedom minutes after being captured by Iraqi forces in Mosul, a local official has claimed.   

Abu Omer, notorious for throwing gay people off rooftops and stoning other victims to death, was caught after being tracked down when locals tipped off police about his hideout.

But he was freed almost immediately after paying around £5,500 to the Iraqi officers who detained him in a Mosul police station, according to local official Zuheir Hazzen el-Jaburi.

‘I was in Mosul when a force from police intelligence arrested a man. After questioning they were told he was the mufti for the right bank of the [river in the] city – an ISIS member,’ el-Jaburi said.

An ISIS executioner, thought to be Abu Omer, reads out the charges against those about to be beheaded by the terror group’s thugs

The white-bearded man identified as Abu Omer can be seen looking down at a row of rocks and stones before a public execution 

The white-bearded man identified as Abu Omer can be seen looking down at a row of rocks and stones before a public execution 

On what appears to be a roundabout, members of the public gather the other side of the road as an ISIS executioner brings down the huge blade

On what appears to be a roundabout, members of the public gather the other side of the road as an ISIS executioner brings down the huge blade

Omer was freed almost immediately after paying around £5,500 to the Iraqi officers who detained him in a Mosul police station, according to local official Zuheir Hazzen el-Jaburi (pictured)

Omer was freed almost immediately after paying around £5,500 to the Iraqi officers who detained him in a Mosul police station, according to local official Zuheir Hazzen el-Jaburi (pictured)

‘We asked people who he was, and they proved he really was ISIS’s mufti. After he was arrested, he left a motorbike behind. An hour later we saw the motorbike was no longer there.

‘We inquired about it. They said he was released 10 minutes earlier after he paid $7,500,’ el-Jaburi added.  

Famed for his long white beard, Omer was not only an ISIS chief but also one of the terrorists’ executioners, reportedly joining in the stoning of homosexuals to death for propaganda videos. 

His arrest was confirmed on Friday by civilians who told the authorities where they believed the ISIS enforcer was hiding out. 

Omer pictured being picked up by Iraqi forces

White-bearded ISIS executioner Abu Omer (right) is detained

Omer, pictured left being picked up by Iraqi forces, was detained by the authorities (right) after civilians ratted him out 

The terror group has been practically flushed out of Mosul (pictured), though some remain underground

The terror group has been practically flushed out of Mosul (pictured), though some remain underground

The terror group has been practically flushed out of Mosul, though some operatives remain underground. 

Fewer than 1,000 ISIS fighters are now said to be in Syria and Iraq combined, where they once held many major cities and vast expanses of territory.

The hideouts for the likes of Omer are wearing thin, according to AhlulBayt News Agency, and cities like Mosul are now facing the mammoth task of rebuilding.  

In March 2015, chilling images emerged of three men accused of homosexuality and blasphemy being forced to their knees and publicly beheaded by a sword-wielding ISIS executioner.

Photographs of the barbaric murders showed the blindfolded men kneeling in the centre of what appears to be a roundabout with a crowd of people looking on as a masked executioner stands by with a long, rusty blade.

After an elderly man uses a microphone to read to the crowd from his notes, the executioner steps forward with the sword poised above the men’s heads in the unnamed city in northern Iraq.

A blindfolded man is about to be beheaded as the man understood to be Abu Omer talks into a microphone

A blindfolded man is about to be beheaded as the man understood to be Abu Omer talks into a microphone

While nearly three million Iraqis have returned to lands reclaimed from the militants, more than 3 million others cannot and remain languishing in camps

While nearly three million Iraqis have returned to lands reclaimed from the militants, more than 3 million others cannot and remain languishing in camps

That elderly man appears to be Omer. 

While nearly three million Iraqis have returned to lands reclaimed from the militants, more than three million others cannot and remain languishing in camps. 

In Mosul alone the UN estimates 40,000 homes need to be rebuilt or restored, with about 600,000 residents unable to return to a city which was once home to around two million people.   

About $100 billion is required to rebuild Mosul and other areas of northern and western Iraq after three years of war devastated much of the area, the Iraqi government has said.

The money is especially needed in Mosul, where hardly a single building is intact for more than two miles along the western bank of the Tigris River. 

Officials have warned of a rebirth of militancy if the cash is not forthcoming.

The warren of narrow streets of Mosul’s Old City is a crumpled landscape of broken concrete, metal and other debris. Every acre is weighed down by more than 3,000 tons of rubble, much of it laced with explosives and unexploded ordnance.