Man climbs up building to save a pregnant woman from fire

A pregnant woman in central China has been saved from her burning home by a brave passerby who climbed the building with his bare hands.

Ren Liubin climbed up onto the balcony on second floor and cut off the metal window grille to free the mother-to-be from her flat.

Mr Ren was hailed as hero by onlookers and firefighters who were amazed by his courage and swift moves.

He then passes her to the firefighters who wait on the ledge on first floor

Mr Ren climbs up second floor and breaks the metal grille to save a pregnant woman from her home (left). He then passes her to the firefighters who wait on the ledge on first floor (right)

The fire was reported to have started on second floor of a residential building in Xinmi, Zhengzhou of  Henan Province on January 6 morning, according to Zhengzhou Evening Post, posted in People’s Daily Online.

The pregnant woman was said to have inhale smoke from the fire and left trapped in her home.

Mr Ren is an experienced electrician and often climb up on ladder to fix cables in the city.

He is hailed as hero by onlookers for his brave act and kind heart.

Hero: Mr Ren is an experienced electrician and often climb up on ladder to fix cables in the city. He is hailed as hero by onlookers for his brave act and kind heart.

Five fire engines were sent to the location and the fire was controlled by the firefighters soon as they arrived.

But the pregnant woman remained trapped in her house. 

Mr Ren, who worked in the neighbourhood, volunteered and climbed up to first floor by a ladder and grabbed onto the metal grille to reach the second floor. 

Mobile phone footage captured the moment when Mr Ren pulled the woman out of the building.

He can be seen dangerously standing on the pipe of the air conditioner. 

Firefighters were waiting on the floor below as soon as the woman was dragged out and sent her to the ground floor.

The fire is believed to be caused by old and faulty electric cables in the living room

The fire is believed to be caused by old and faulty electric cables in the living room

Mr Ren told the reporter: ‘The situation was quite urgent, but I believed my years of experience of fixing cables, so it wouldn’t be difficult to climb a few floors up.

‘The firefighters passed me a hydraulic plier to remove the metal grille and I drag the woman out.’

Investigation report from the fire department noted the fire was caused by old electric cables from the appliances in the living room. 

The rescue took nearly 10 minutes and Mr Ren had headache from inhaling smoke from the fire. 

Onlookers were surprised by his brave act and quick rescue and praised him as a selfless hero.

Zhengzhou Evening Post and Alibaba awarded Mr Ren 5,000 yuan (£567) for being kind-hearted and saving citizens at his own risk.

He was also given an honorary certificate by the publication.