Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams reshoot salaries

The Hollywood community was quick to celebrate Ridley Scott following his decision to reshoot All the Money in the World just weeks before its release so that he could replace accused rapist Kevin Spacey with Christopher Plummer.

It seems however that the celebration may have been a bit premature, because while the film may have rid itself of an alleged serial predator, new reports claim that there was a staggering difference in the amount of money Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Williams made for that 10-day shoot.

The Washington Post reported that Wahlberg worked out a deal that paid him $2 million for the reshoot, which took place in Rome at the end of November.

That was not the case for Williams however, who despite being the film’s top-billed star and receiving her fifth Golden Globe nomination for her work in the movie, made just $80 per day according to Jessica Chastain. 

This means that the single mother traveled to Italy over Thanksgiving for a last-second reshoot while being paid .0004 percent what her male co-star was making for his work.

Williams’ reportedly knew how much less she was making than Wahlberg, and so did her agents at WME as they also represent both Wahlberg and Scott.

Reps for Williams, Wahlberg, and Scott did not respond to requests for comment.  


Women and Hollywood blogger Melissa Silverstein was the first to point out the reported pay gap on Monday, tweeting: ‘On the day after display of female power at the #goldenglobes , I learned that there was an egregious pay gap between Michelle Williams and Mark Wahlberg for the All the Money in the World reshoot. Did they think this wouldn’t come out? Unacceptable #TimesUp.’

She later said that her source is ‘100 percent reliable.’

Williams said in multiple interviews after the reshoot that she had agreed to work for free on the reshoot, claiming she felt invigorated to be taking a pro-active stance and helping Scott save the film. 

It is not clear though if she was told that Wahlberg was doing the same or not, as Scott himself seemed to be under the impression that the two stars were not being paid based on interviews he gave over the past four weeks.

Plummer, who was brought in to replace Spacey, and the crew were all compensated for their time.