Indian boy who had legs severed by train meets surgeons

A two-year-old boy who had his legs cut off in a train accident has miraculously taken his first steps after surgeons reattached his limbs.

Mohammed Saleh was left fighting for his life after the accident which killed his mother while they crossed train tracks.

Quick-thinking onlookers scooped up the child and put his severed limbs in a polystyrene box filled with ice, and rushed him to hospital.

Incredibly, medics were able to reattach them during a painstaking seven-hour operation.

Experts at the hospital claim the successful re-connection of both limbs has only happened 13 times in the world before – only four times involving children – and Mohammed is the youngest in the world to have it done.

Now, eight months on, the brave boy, from Mangalore in Karnataka state of India, is now able to walk and run, and met the surgeons who saved his life.

Mohammed Saleh had both of his legs severed in a train accident that killed his mother

Quick-thinking onlookers scooped him up and put his severed limbs in ice

Quick-thinking onlookers scooped him up and put his severed limbs in ice

‘He was lying in a pool of blood’

A J Hospital medical director Dr Prashant Marla, said: ‘The toddler boy was being carried by his mother.

‘In a heartbreaking, disastrous train accident the mother was killed, while the boy luckily survived but lost both his legs.

‘He was lying in a pool of blood with severed lower limbs and was rescued by some citizens and railway police and taken to a hospital in Payyanur, Kerala.

Medics in India were able to reattach both of the boy's limbs during a seven-hour operation

Medics in India were able to reattach both of the boy’s limbs during a seven-hour operation

Mohammed is one of only four times  children in the world who successfully had a pair of limbs reconnected after they were severed 

Mohammed is one of only four times children in the world who successfully had a pair of limbs reconnected after they were severed 


Replantation refers to the surgical reattachment of a body part (such as a finger, hand or toe) that has been completely cut from the body. 

The goal of replantation surgery is to reattach and restore function to as much of the injured part as possible.  


1. Damaged tissue is carefully removed

Then, bone ends are trimmed before they are rejoined to make putting together the soft tissue easier.

2. Arteries, veins, nerves, muscles, and tendons are all stitched together

Uncovered nerves, tendons, and joints may be covered by a free-tissue transfer, where a piece of tissue is removed from another part of the body, along with its arteries and veins.

3. Areas without skin are covered with skin that has been taken from other areas of the body


Braces are used at the beginning of recovery to protect the newly repaired tendons, and to allow the patient to move the replanted part. 

Physical therapy exercises are used to prevent the joints from becoming stiff, to keep the muscles moving and to minimize the formation of scar tissue.

Although the replanted part never regains 100 percent of its original use, most doctors consider 60 percent to 80 percent use ‘excellent’.

Source: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons 

‘After giving first aid, the baby was referred to our hospital with the amputated limbs well preserved in ice.

‘The amputated legs were transported in a thermocol box, kept in a polythene pack with surrounding ice.’

He was ‘too dazed to even cry’

Doctors treating little Mohammed did not even know his name, and were not able to trace his father, who works in Dubai, before the operation.

Following the procedure, his details were released to the media, and his grandparents got in touch.

‘At that time we had no clue about the whereabouts of the family of this child,’ Dr Marla added.

‘It was extremely rare and critical situation for the baby and the treating doctors had to take a decision on the further course of action.

‘He was alert, in a state of shock, anxious but unable to communicate, too dazed to even cry. 

‘He was very pale due to severe blood loss. The priority was to save the child and treat the injuries.

‘Rejoining was a logical step, however, was not a simple task, particularly when no parent was around.

‘Rejoining a amputated limb is a complex procedure, both technical and its effects on the patient. It is a long process.

‘Such decision is taken with due considerations to all aspects, explaining the pros and cons to the family, so that they make informed decisions.

‘We decided to give our best efforts to replant both the limbs and hope to succeed based on our previous experience in several such cases in the past.

‘Railway police were extremely supportive of our decision, gave consent to go ahead.’

Good recovery  

Mohammed is said to be the first successful patient to undergo the operation in India. 

The operation was carried out by plastic surgeon Dr Dinesh Kadam and his team.

One leg has had been severed below the knee and the other above the knee in the accident.

Dr Marla said: ‘The boy was monitored intensively and has made a good recovery.

‘He has undergone skin grafting surgeries and implant removal procedures. Fractured bones have united and he is now able to walk independently.

‘He has made good recovery of muscle power and sensory recognition in both his rejoined limbs.’

Saleh’s father works in Dubai and visits him often but he is now living with his grandparents.