Sally Fitzgibbons shares health and fitness rules

She is ranked number one in the world for women’s surfing, and has been both training and competing in the notoriously difficult sport for more than twelve years.

So it’s safe to say that Australian pro surfer, Sally Fitzgibbons, knows a little about health and fitness.

Upon the release of her new book, Summer Fit All Year Round, Sally sat down with FEMAIL to talk about her health and fitness rules, what she eats to fuel her surfer’s body and what you’ll always find in her fridge.

 For anyone still looking for a little New Year inspiration, it’s a good place to start.

Upon the release of her new book, Summer Fit All Year Round, pro surfer Sally Fitzgibbons (pictured) sat down with FEMAIL to talk about her health and fitness rules

When it comes to staying healthy, the top surfer (pictured) said it's all about the 'little things' or daily small habits which make up huge successes

When it comes to staying healthy, the top surfer (pictured) said it’s all about the ‘little things’ or daily small habits which make up huge successes

In small moments, Sally (pictured surfing in 2012) said she'll listen to her breath to help to get her on an even keel - she said it's hugely helpful for getting in tune with your body

In small moments, Sally (pictured surfing in 2012) said she’ll listen to her breath to help to get her on an even keel – she said it’s hugely helpful for getting in tune with your body


First things first, when it comes to staying healthy, the top surfer said it’s all about the ‘little things’ or small daily habits which make up huge successes:

‘Saying you’ll meditate at 10am every day won’t work,’ she told FEMAIL. ‘But listening to your body and trying to treat it with a caring voice can help hugely.

‘In my teens and early twenties, I would go and go and go until I was exhausted. Then I learned more about the power of meditation and finding an even tempo.

‘Now, in small moments I try to listen to my breath. Even if I’m just walking somewhere, just getting in tune with my body again hugely helps.’

The 27-year-old (pictured) gets up every single day at 4.30am, upon which point she'll do her first training session of the day before heading out for a surf

The 27-year-old (pictured) gets up every single day at 4.30am, upon which point she’ll do her first training session of the day before heading out for a surf

That’s not to say that the 27-year-old isn’t a go-getting individual.

Waking every day at around 4.30am for her first training session of the day, Sally explained she is a creature of habit and that routine is key:

‘I start each and every day with a litre of water, before I do my first training session of the day and then have a big brunch or lunch,’ she said.

‘I think we all love a routine and to look forward to something,’ Sally added.

‘Look forward to what you’re going to cook yourself and your recipes. Amp up the simple things like going to the markets to shop for vegetables. It’ll make healthy eating all the more easy.’

Finally, while it might seem simple, Sally said you shouldn’t put anything in your fridge that you know you won’t thank yourself for later:

‘Stop filling your fridge and cupboards with foods which will get you into trouble,’ she said.

‘Instead, pack out your fridge with lots of fruit and veg. I’ve always got frozen bananas so I can make delicious smoothies after breakfast.’ 

'Stop filling your fridge and cupboards with foods which will get you into trouble,' Sally (pictured) said - the surfer eats lots of fresh fruit and vegetables

‘Stop filling your fridge and cupboards with foods which will get you into trouble,’ Sally (pictured) said – the surfer eats lots of fresh fruit and vegetables

Sally does several surfing sessions each day, as well as cardio, yoga and weights-based work (pictured in the water)

Sally does several surfing sessions each day, as well as cardio, yoga and weights-based work (pictured in the water)

Sally (pictured) said she is a huge fan of a big brunch or lunch - which is normally poached eggs with sourdough bread, avocado and spinach and greens

Sally (pictured) said she is a huge fan of a big brunch or lunch – which is normally poached eggs with sourdough bread, avocado and spinach and greens


When it comes to her own diet, the pro surfer said that she favours balance over restriction:

A day on Sally Fitzgibbons’s plate 

* Waking: Water as soon as she wakes up and an apple or banana before training. 

* Snack: Paleo bar – the lamington and Himalayan chocolate are Sally’s favourites. 

* Brunch/lunch: Poached eggs with sourdough and avocado, spinach and greens or Paleo bread with toppings.

* Afternoon: Green smoothie with protein powder.

* Dinner: Fresh fish or fish skewers with veggies and salad. 

‘I’ll have my water upon waking and maybe a banana or apple before training,’ Sally said.

‘Then, I swear by Paleo bars in between sessions to keep my energy high – the lamington and Himalayan chocolate are among my favourites.’

Sally said she is a huge fan of a big brunch or lunch:

‘Normally poached eggs with sourdough and avocado, spinach and greens,’ Sally said.

‘Alternatively, I love seeded Paleo bread with toppings.’

Occasionally, the 27-year-old said she’ll chop up a tray of roasted vegetables, upon which point she’ll put them in the oven, do a quick training session and then eat them with some leftover protein.

‘In the afternoon, I’ll have a green smoothie with some form of protein powder. Then in the evening, I love fish skewers or fresh fish with veggies and yummy salads.’ 

'In the afternoon, I'll have a green smoothie with some form of protein powder. Then in the evening, I love fish skewers or fresh fish with veggies and yummy salads,' Sally said of her day on a plate

‘In the afternoon, I’ll have a green smoothie with some form of protein powder. Then in the evening, I love fish skewers or fresh fish with veggies and yummy salads,’ Sally said of her day on a plate

Sally (pictured) loves freezing foods for when you're too tired to cook and need something quick and nutritious and easy

Sally (pictured) loves freezing foods for when you’re too tired to cook and need something quick and nutritious and easy


Lastly, Sally shared a few words of wisdom she has learned over her years of professional surfing, which include keeping things simple in the kitchen:

Sally's new book is out now (pictured: the book cover)

Sally’s new book is out now (pictured: the book cover)

‘It can be hard to find the time to look after yourself when you’re running all over the place and go to the supermarket hungry,’ she said.

‘Keep an eye on what’s ripening in your fridge and eat accordingly. You can also help to limit your food wastage by blitzing things you won’t eat in time to turn them into soups and juices.’

Sally loves freezing foods for when you’re too tired to cook and need something quick and nutritious and easy:

‘Looking after yourself physically and mentally are just as important as each other,’ she said.

‘You automatically feel better when you look after yourself.’

Sally concluded by saying she’s got her heart set on a big 2018:

‘I want to win the World Title, and will do everything to better my body and mind for that,’ she said.

Sally Fitzgibbons’s new book, Summer Fit, is out now. For more information, please click here