THE BLACKBIRD SR-71  | Daily Mail Online


The SR-71 was the world’s fastest and highest-flying operational manned aircraft throughout its career.

On July 28 1976 it broke the world record for absolute altitude – reaching 85,069 feet.

  • That same day a different SR-71 set an absolute speed record of 2,193.2mph – a record it still holds today.
  • The plane was so fast that it could outrun surface-to-air missiles as it traveled close to the edge of space at about 85,000 feet, or about 16 miles above the earth. 
  • On July 28 1976 it broke the world record for absolute altitude – reaching 85,069 feet

    If a surface-to-air missile launch was detected, the standard evasive action was simply to accelerate and outfly the missile.

    The plane flew so high above the Earth’s surface that Joersz said there was no real sense of speed at all with the clouds so far below. 

    A total of 32 of the aircraft were built which flew from 1964 to 1999; 12 were lost in accidents, but none were shot down by enemies. 

    Lockheed’s previous reconnaissance aircraft was the relatively slow U-2, designed for the CIA.

    The plane's titanium skin was capable of surviving temperatures up to 482C

    The plane’s titanium skin was capable of surviving temperatures up to 482C

    In late 1957, the CIA approached the defense contractor Lockheed to build an undetectable spy plane and within ten months they had come up with the design for the Blackbird.

    Flying at 80,000 ft meant that crews could not use standard masks, which would not provide enough oxygen above 43,000 ft, so specialist protective pressurised suits were made. 

    The plane’s titanium skin was capable of surviving temperatures up to 482C.