Hollywood’s hypocritical actresses will have to do more

Down the red carpet they slowly walked in pristine shoes, stopping to be photographed, hair and makeup perfectly applied – proudly sporting their ‘protest’ uniforms – black designer dresses costing thousands of dollars by Gucci, Valentino, Ralph Lauren and Prada.

Some even obligingly stuck their legs out for the photographers in the ‘show pony’ pose any dress with a major split in the skirt seems to require.

Standing up for badly paid women, and those who suffer abuse and sexual harassment at work is a cause I support 100%, but this new brand of militant Hollywood feminism is hard to stomach.

If I had a daughter, I wouldn’t want her to be an actress, but a nuclear scientist.

Some of these gorgeous protestors weren’t entirely on message – Catherine Zeta Jones and Kate Hudson wore gowns slashed to the waist, leaving little to the imagination.

Nicole Kidman, Zoe Kravitz, Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern and Shailene Woodley all wore black at the Golden Globes 

Others were dangerously low-cut.

Is putting your assets blatantly on display a statement of power or submission to the traditional stereotype of glamour?

Others, like Elizabeth Moss and Angelina Jolie, were more subtle and dressed modestly, revealing not an inch of flesh.

Dozens of actresses chose to wear black to the Golden Globe awards on Sunday night to draw attention to their latest cause, triggered by the Harvey Weinstein allegations and the hashtag #MeToo, which went viral around the world.

Their newly formed Time’s Up action group led by top female actors has quickly attracted donations of over $15 million, taking full page ads in newspapers annoucing a campaign to fight for legislation to end harrassment in the workplace and equal pay in the entertainment industry.

Supporters are even wearing a special brooch designed by one of the prime movers, Reese Witherspoon.

Industry awards like the Golden Globes are ghastly events which last for hours and are occasions when insincerity rules – the prizes are usually decided by very few people (in this case foreign journalists), certainly no one most of us have heard of.

Catherine Zeta Jones

Kate Hudson

Catherine Zeta Jones (left) and Kate Hudson (right) both wore low-cut black dresses to the Golden Globe Awards 

On this particular evening, the women present were determined it was the start of a new era, one in which women are treated with respect.

Nicole Kidman won a gong for her portrayal of an abused wife in the TV series Big Little Lies, and told us it was a subject close to her heart.

This series – entertaining though it was – was a slick frothy drama revolving around a mega-wealthy group of women in Monterey – hardly the cutting edge of poverty.

A clever social satire, it tackled snobbery and in-fighting, but all the female participants never looked anything less than perfect.

Frances McDormand won the Golden Globe for best actress for the movie Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri – a heartfelt and thoroughly engrossing performance as a mother seeking revenge for her daughter’s brutual murder. McDormand not only refused to wear makeup, but made a witty speech which got censored by the broadcasters who misunderstood the phrase ‘tectonic shift’ (in their industry) and clearly thought the 60 year old star was advocating that women use weapons to achieve their goals.

Angelina Jolie did not reveal an inch of flesh

Reese Witherspoon was wearing a special brooch

Angelina Jolie, were more subtle and dressed modestly, revealing not an inch of flesh and Reese Witherspoon was wearing a special brooch 

Although Time’s Up has worthy intentions, do women want to be lectured by a bunch of Hollywood actresses belatedly deciding to fight for those less pampered, when they probably run homes staffed by cleaners, dog walkers, gardeners, and nannies paid the minimum wage?

Plus, they probably visit nail bars and spas where the staff won’t be earning much more.

And what about the clothes that fill their vast walk-in closets?

How many of us can put hand on heart and say we are certain that every tee shirt or dress we buy has been stitched by a woman earning a living wage, who has health care and enough money to educate her kids?

That dream is as unacheivable as the designer tee shirt worn by one of these modern day suffragettes at the Globes which carried the bizarre slogan ‘poverty is sexist’.

Any man or woman with an ounce of brain wants equality and equal opportunity for all.


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But so often when women complain about harrassment at work, they end up signing a gagging order in order to receive financial compensation – and if you aren’t a Hollywood star or a top executive, money is what you need to feed your family.

Back in 2011, Dominique Strauss Khan, then Head of the International Monetary Fun, was in a hotel room in New York.

What happened is open to dispute – the housekeeper (a single mother) said he ran at her naked and physically forced her to perform oral sex.

He says what happened was consensual. The New York Post accused the woman of being a prostitute – her reputation was trashed.

In the end, charges against Strauss Khan were dropped by the police and the chambermaid received an out of court settlement said to be in the region of $6 million.

Subsequently he has faced plenty of lurid stories about rough sex and orgies – and was charged by the French police with pimping, although later acquitted.

Unabashed, he told the court he had ‘only’ attended’ 12 sex parties in three years and they were with ‘friends’!

How many female sex workers would describe themselves as ‘friends’ with their rich and powerful clients?

Whatever happened between the former head of the IMF and the hotel worker, it wasn’t a meeting of equals and in the fallout his then wife stood by him, although they later divorced.

It all sounds eerily reminiscent of the Weinstein allegations – and a movie directed by Abel Ferrara based in the incident was savaged in the final edit and never released in France.

Nicole Kidman won a gong for her portrayal of an abused wife in the TV series Big Little Lies

Nicole Kidman won a gong for her portrayal of an abused wife in the TV series Big Little Lies

Where were Reese Witherspoon and her fellow suffragettes during the Strauss Khan saga?

This week in Australia, former Home and Away star Craig McLachlan has been accused of sexual harrassment by several actresses he worked with in The Rocky Horror Show.

This behaviour has gone on for years – and yes it’s good to talk about it – but what about ordinary woman who work in supermarkets and factories.

The women who have to put up with wandering hands from a boss or lose their job?

As for equal pay, the gender pay gap is 9.1% in the UK and around 17% in the USA – and even blue chip companies like Shell admit that their female staff earn a shocking 22.2% less than men.

At Easyjet, female staff earn 45.5% less, and at the Bank of England 21% less.

For every high profile BBC presenter who discovers a man doing the same job is earning more, there are hundreds of worse discrepancies out of the media or entertainment industry spotlight.

Sadly these Hollywood campaigners won’t achieve much for real women.

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk