Sam Wood weighs up the pros and cons of fitness cults

From F45 to boutique yoga studios, nowadays it seems almost everyone has bypassed a gym membership and joined a fitness cult instead. 

But is your friend who can’t stop talking about their CrossFit gym actually on to something, or just drinking some calorie-free Kool-Aid?

Former Bachelor star and personal trainer, Sam Wood, who now runs his own business empire, decided to find out – listing the pros and cons of some of the most popular fitness trends. 

Former Bachelor star Sam Wood, who now runs his own business empire, has listed the pros and cons of a number of fitness cult programs 


Born right here in Sydney in 2011, it’s no surprise that F45 captured Australia’s rapt attention before taking over the world. 

The 45-minute group training workouts have brought circuit and HIIT to the mainstream, with each studio offering a different variation every day of the week.

Wood notes that F45 is quick but effective, and that the group environment tends to motivate people to push themselves harder. 

‘You’re definitely getting bang for your buck,’ he writes on his blog, 28bySamWood. 

Wood notes that F45 classes are quick but effective, and that the group environment tends to motivate people to push themselves harder

Wood notes that F45 classes are quick but effective, and that the group environment tends to motivate people to push themselves harder

Wood also notes that class tends to have ‘good music, good energy, and lots of high fives’. 

But, he adds, the quality of an F45 class is largely dependent on the quality of the studio – noting that some are far better than others. 

The high-impact movements may not work for everyone, and the TV screens that demonstrate the exercises could mean more inexperienced trainers on the floor. 

‘While the TVs are a good idea, they can make trainers lazy,’ he writes. 

Wood also points out that a membership only applies to one studio, and doesn’t work for all clubs. 


Wood notes that CrossFit's tight-knit and committed community is definitely one of the pros of the program, but notes it has become known for injuries 

Wood notes that CrossFit’s tight-knit and committed community is definitely one of the pros of the program, but notes it has become known for injuries 

Since it launched in the US, CrossFit has become an international sensation for its high-intensity workouts that combine weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio.

CrossFit has turned into such a hit that its members, known for posting their workouts on Instagram, have acquired a reputation for constantly discussing it.

Wood notes that CrossFit’s tight-knit and committed community is definitely one of the pros of the program – no matter what everyone else thinks. 

The intense weightlifting exercises will definitely ‘help you build considerable muscle and gain strength,’ he adds.  

Wood also finds that the gyms help to build up an exciting atmosphere, with different workouts that constantly keep your body guessing.

The competitive aspect is likewise a good motivator, with some people raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars in the popular CrossFit Games.

But Wood worries that the program’s combination of complex movements with high-impact training could become dangerous without proper instruction. 

‘Some clubs have very poor progression, so many people are forced to do movements that they simply aren’t ready for,’ he writes. 

Wood also notes that CrossFit has become known for causing injuries, and that it focuses very heavily on strength training.


Wood likes that 9ROUND and 12RND fitness boutiques focus on boxing, which he said is 'one of the best workouts you can do' for your body 

Wood likes that 9ROUND and 12RND fitness boutiques focus on boxing, which he said is ‘one of the best workouts you can do’ for your body 

9ROUND and 12RND fitness boutiques are just starting to pop all over Australia, bringing a new kind of high-intensity class to the country. 

Like F45 both programs train people via circuits, but with an emphasis on boxing.  

Wood notes that this is a huge pro, as boxing is ‘one of the best workouts you can do’ for your body. 

The trainer also likes the fact that the programs don’t have set class times. A new circuit starts every three minutes, so it’s easy to just show up and join in. 

The workouts also change every day and, like F45, only go for a maximum of 45 minutes – making them accessible for even the busiest of people.   

But as the programs are still in their infancy, Wood notes that they are often in ‘quite small’ facilities.

Both programs, unlike F45, also lack television screens for workout demonstrations, which can leave people unsure of what to do at each station. 


Yoga and Pilates also both target a number of muscle groups and are great for improving 'flexibility, strength, and mobility,' Woods said 

Yoga and Pilates also both target a number of muscle groups and are great for improving ‘flexibility, strength, and mobility,’ Woods said 

Long before there was CrossFit or F45, it was yoga and Pilates that were the hippest fitness cults to join. 

With fans easily identifiable by the mats they lugged and their bright-coloured leggings, both exercises found celebrity supporters and quickly spread to the masses.

Wood notes that both yoga and Pilates have since become very accessible, with a range of studios at a variety of price points.

They also both target a number of muscle groups and are great for improving ‘flexibility, strength, and mobility,’ he adds.

But while Woods himself loves yoga, he said it benefits you best when paired with high-intensity workouts and cardio training. 

He notes it can also be difficult to find a studio and instructor that fit due to varying teaching styles, so make sure to try a few if you’re feeling discouraged at the start. 

At the end of the day, Woods said that it’s important to pick which workout works best for you – not just which one is the most popular on Instagram.

‘We tend to be fascinated by “the group over there” that we aren’t in and are perhaps a bit intimidated by,’ he writes. ‘Be curious, be brave, find your tribe.’  

At the end of the day, Woods said that it's important to find which kind of workout works best for you - not just which one is most popular on Instagram

At the end of the day, Woods said that it’s important to find which kind of workout works best for you – not just which one is most popular on Instagram