Truck driver slams Sudanese mother for Australia comments

One-eyed truck driver Trevor Vale has blasted a Sudanese mother who blamed Australia’s ‘failing’ social support system on her son’s involvement in gang crime. 

In an open video addressed to immigrant families, the disgruntled truckie encouraged those who had a problem with the Australian way to ‘go home’.

‘If it’s so bad in this country go home, it’s as simple as that. But you won’t go home because you know how damn good it is in this country,’ he said. 

Mr Vales stern message followed Asha Awur’s appearance on A Current Affair Monday night, after her son was imprisoned for his involvement in gang activity.

One-eyed truck driver Trevor Vale (pictured) blasted a Sudanese mother who blamed Australia’s ‘failing’ social support system on her son’s involvement in gang crime

She said men who fled traumatic upbringings in places like Sudan felt ‘isolated and frustrated’ by their new lives, and often turned to crime as a way of supporting themselves.

Ms Awur believed those who came from overseas countries were not given enough support to establish themselves in Australia.

She also said her children relied on her for extra money, and hypothesised they turned to crime when she couldn’t provide enough.   

Mr Vale offered no sympathy to the struggling parent, saying the answer was in either ‘buggering off’ or better disciplining her children.

‘This is Australia. We live the way we live. If you don’t like it, bugger off. Simple as that.’

Sudanese woman Asha Awur said a lack of employment opportunities is the driving force behind the wave of gang crime

Sudanese woman Asha Awur said a lack of employment opportunities is the driving force behind the wave of gang crime

‘You come over here, take our money, take our jobs…do you know how many Australians are on the unemployment benefits? Crikeys, don’t go there.’

‘The simple fact is, you try to make excuses for your kids, but how about being a better parent and discipline? Discipline goes a long way.’

He conceded he was unfamiliar with how children were brought up in Ms Wur’s native culture, but urged that she swiftly change her opinion.

‘By Christ if you don’t like our country, p*** off somewhere else,’ he concluded. 

Mr Vale’s rant won him praise for speaking out on the controversial topic, with the video being viewed more than 13,000 times in less than a day. 

'By Christ if you don't like our country, p*** off somewhere else,' an angry Mr Vale said

‘By Christ if you don’t like our country, p*** off somewhere else,’ an angry Mr Vale said

A similarly peeved social media user agreed with his opinion, writing: ‘If there not happy and don’t want to comply to living in our country I’m sure we could send them back from whence they came no problem at all.’

Another thought Mr Vale would make a worthy politician, calling for him to throw his hat in the ring for a shot at Prime Minister. 

‘Well spoken. …i agree if they don’t like p*** off.. (this good guy should be prime minister he would sort these pick out),’ they wrote. 

Not everyone agreed with him however, as some pointed out that parents had limited control over their children.

‘Oh and also.. discipline isn’t always that easy dad. Not every child listens to their parents no matter how much the parents try.’      

Mr Vale first raised eyebrows when he uploaded a video of himself complaining about an ‘a**hole’ police officer who he claimed insulted him for having one eye and driving a truck. 

Mr Vale uploaded an earlier video complaining about an 'a**hole' police officer who he claimed insulted him for having one eye and driving a truck

Mr Vale uploaded an earlier video complaining about an ‘a**hole’ police officer who he claimed insulted him for having one eye and driving a truck