Buzzfeed editor-in-chief Ben Smith wrote an op-ed in the New York Times on Tuesday defending the publication of the dossier:

Exactly one year ago BuzzFeed published what’s now known simply as ‘the dossier’: a set of reports put together by a former British intelligence officer named Christopher Steele during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Without the dossier, Americans would have found it difficult to understand the actions of their elected representatives and government officials. Their posture toward Mr. Trump was, we now know even more comprehensively than we did in January 2017, shaped by Mr Steele’s report. 

The Russia investigation, meanwhile, didn’t turn out to be some minor side story but instead the central challenge to Mr Trump’s presidency.

We strongly believed that publishing the disputed document whose existence we and others were reporting was in the public interest. 

For all these reasons, the chorus of criticism of our decision to publish has faded. I haven’t had a single person approach me to say, ‘I wish I hadn’t read the dossier, and wish I had less insight into the forces at play in America.’