Prankster father straps baby into remote controlled seat

  • The inventive father has created a mobile throne from his little one
  • Dressed in pink with just a small tuft of hair, the child looks a little confused
  • Claims to have reached ‘Dad level: genius’ as he controls his child’s every move

In his search to find ever more complex ways of keeping his child under control, this father has resorted to building a remote controlled baby chair. 

Made from a plastic molded seat strapped with gaffer tape to a set of wheels, the inventive dad has created a mobile throne for his little one.

In the unbearably cute clip recorded by the proud father, his child can be seen enjoying the hi-tech gift.

His child who is dressed in pink with a small tuft of hair poking upwards is seen staring confusedly at the camera.

The child whizzes around in circles on the white, wooden floor of their home.  

On its face is a strange mixture of bemusement and enjoyment. The child seems unsure of what to make of its new seat. 

In his search to find ever more complex ways of keeping his child under control, this father has resorted to building a remote controlled baby chair.

In the unbearably cute clip recorded by the proud father, his child - wearing an adorable pink outfit - can be seen enjoying the hi-tech gift

In the unbearably cute clip recorded by the proud father, his child – wearing an adorable pink outfit – can be seen enjoying the hi-tech gift

In the video the father claims to have reached ‘Dad level: genius’, as he controls his child’s every move.

One thing is for sure, this dad will know exactly where his baby is at all times.

That is unless his robotic invention goes haywire and carries off the little one.