West Midlands man ‘strangled teen in snuff movie fantasy’

A man who strangled a teenage girl to death during a sick sex game was carrying out his own ‘snuff movie fantasy’, a court heard today.

Ashley Foster, 24, is accused of killing Megan Bills, 17, three days after being released from prison before hiding her body in a wardrobe wrapped in clingfilm.

Wolverhampton Crown Court heard the church-goers’s body was found badly decomposed on May 3 at a hostel for former inmates in Brierley Hill, West Midlands. 

Megan Bills, who died aged 17

Ashley Foster (left, in an artist’s impression today), 24, is accused of killing Megan Bills (right), 17, three days after being released from prison before hiding her body in a wardrobe

Foster claimed the pair had consensual intercourse before the teenager died accidentally during a sex game gone wrong three weeks earlier on April 16.

But Crispin Aylett QC, prosecuting, said Foster had been carrying out his own sexual fantasies when he throttled her and treated her with ‘complete and utter contempt.’

He then allegedly searched for snuff films while her body decomposed as he tried to cover his tracks by vacuuming flies and spraying bed sheets with cleaning fluid.

Today, jurors were told how Foster had previously asked an ex-girlfriend if he could strangle her during sex – but she had refused.

Mr Aylett said: ‘There are some people who do engage in asphyxial sexual activity – it deprives the brain of oxygen and this is so to enhance sexual pleasure.

‘Something which the defendant himself had been interested in and referred to in the evidence of his former partner who he had in the past asked to strangle her in the course of sexual activity, but she had refused.

‘Whether Megan was someone who shared the same interest is something that is very much in dispute but in any event there are people who do engage in asphyxial sexual activity.

‘Bizarre though that may sound, it does go on – it remains, even among consenting adults, being very dangerous to do.

Wolverhampton Crown Court heard the church-goers's body was found badly decomposed on May 3 at a hostel for former inmates (pictured) in Brierley Hill, West Midlands

Wolverhampton Crown Court heard the church-goers’s body was found badly decomposed on May 3 at a hostel for former inmates (pictured) in Brierley Hill, West Midlands

‘It requires a consistent application of pressure in the face of resistance that would inevitably be shown by the victim.

‘He had intended to kill Megan or cause her serious bodily harm. He was acting out his own snuff movie fantasy.

‘Whether this was a sexually-motivated attack in which the defendant acted out his own sexual fantasy or whether for his own sexual gratification pressed too hard – either way by the time the defendant shut the door of room three, he showed complete and utter contempt for Megan Bills.

‘The defendant’s case is that he is not guilty of murder, nor guilty of manslaughter because, as he told his mother, this was an accident.

‘This is not, the prosecution suggest, a pure accident, this is an accident waiting to happen.’ 

Carley Forrester, Foster’s half-sister, said he had asked her to buy cling-film and had smirked when she asked him what it was for.

She told the court: ‘On April 26, Ashley asked me if I would pick up cling film and he gave me £2.

‘He said it was for his friend – I actually asked him what he wanted it for and he smirked.

‘He said, ‘never you mind’ – I thought he wanted it to wrap weed.

‘I bought two boxes because he gave me £2 and said his friend gave it to him to get as much as he could with it.

‘He didn’t collect it that day, I think the following week he actually collected it.’ 

The jury was shown CCTV of Megan’s final movements around the hostel – and, after her death, Foster could be seen vacuuming the property and using cleaning products and told staff he was airing his bedding because he’d spilled a drink on it.

The jury was shown CCTV of Megan's finals movements around the hostel (above) - and, after her death, Foster could be seen vacuuming the property and using cleaning products

The jury was shown CCTV of Megan’s finals movements around the hostel (above) – and, after her death, Foster could be seen vacuuming the property and using cleaning products

Mr Aylett said: ‘In that Vax machine was found flies – in the late evening on May 2 Mr Foster made a search on his phone for maggots.’

Volunteers at the hostel told the court of their horror at finding Megan’s body – which they originally thought was a dead dog and smelt like ‘gone off chicken’.

Rosslynne Lewis, a director at New Horizons, who run the hostel, said: ‘I remember Donna (Phipps) was taking a call on behalf of Ashley – Ashley got a bit aerated.

‘Ashley was on about an incident when he was in prison regarding if he doesn’t get his own way he kicks off.

‘He said he had never had the amount of sex he had had in the last week.

‘At the end of the day I asked Donna to do the room inspections like we do every month.

‘Mr Foster was in the room – he didn’t say anything to me at that point but he knew the rooms were going to be done.

‘They were being done the next morning. I arrived about ten-ish, there was a smell for a couple of weeks.

‘I have never smelt anything like that, like gone off chicken. Ashley Foster was not there at that time.

‘The smell hit me even more before I opened the door.

‘It was that lingering smell – I opened the door, I could see a fan heater on top of the wardrobe, flies on the ceiling and a window that’s open.

‘I turned the fan heater off.

‘There were blankets – underneath the sheets the wardrobe was wrapped in cling film.

‘It was quite tight, we had to use a knife to cut it.

‘At first I thought it was a dead dog because of the fur or whatever it was.

‘Police were called at this point, we were asked to go back in and verify – the body was wrapped in a blanket.’ 

The body of Megan was found at this address in Brierley Hill, West Midlands, in May 2017

The body of Megan was found at this address in Brierley Hill, West Midlands, in May 2017

Megan’s mother Dawn Bills, who adopted Megan at the age of seven, told the court how Megan had moved out of the family home in the desire for ‘independence.’

Giving evidence tearfully, she said: ‘She became rather more independent and wanted to move home.

‘It came to a point where she moved in with (boyfriend) Joshua Edwards and his family.

‘She enrolled in Halesowen College and wanted to make some changes to her life and people she was associated with.

‘Initially it was very good and then Megan had some issues with people on the course and had problems because Joshua by this time had got his own accommodation. I believe it was Joshua (who moved out first).

‘Megan had made a point of coming down three days in a row on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (before Easter Sunday) of the previous week – she came home and spent the days with us. It was lovely.

‘She seemed quite positive from where she had been and one of the last conversations we had was that she needed to make a new start again.

‘She had a plan of action she would like to have implemented – we hoped we reached that point she was turning a corner.

‘Easter weekend she wasn’t sure what she was doing, we made plans for the bank holiday at the end of May and she would move back home properly.

‘We hoped she would come back, things were a bit transient – if you held her down to a commitment she would make other arrangements.

‘She didn’t come down, I contacted her social worker and she said she would try and get back in touch with Megan and get back to me.

‘I had driven past the flats a couple of times but didn’t see any activity.

‘Three weeks was a little bit longer than normal but she asked for time and space to sort herself out, it was conceivable she just wanted that extra bit of time.

‘I reported to the police on May 5. She never mentioned the name Ashley Foster.’

Joshua Edwards, 19, met Megan in August 2014 and began a relationship with her when she was 15 and he was 16.

He told the court they enjoyed a ‘normal sexual relationship’ before they broke up in March last year.

He said: ‘She was hanging around with the wrong people, her attitude changed a bit (in Autumn 2016). It was arguments and caused a lot of stress towards the relationship.

‘She lived with me and my parents summer time, September 2016 – we separated October for a month, possibly two months.

‘We had been going out for over two years and got back together in November.

‘I moved in on my own at first, Megan came and visited then moved in about three weeks (later) in early 2017.

‘It was all right at first, but arguments started consistently every day. She would go out, come back drunk mixing with a new crowd of friends – I didn’t know them.

‘March time (we split up) – I moved out that same day. I saw Megan on two occasions at the start of April – a couple of days before April 14 we went to the park, we had a laugh.

‘I was with her for about an hour and a half, we were on good terms. That was the last time I saw her.

‘It was a normal sexual relationship, no violence involved on either side – it was the first sexual relationship for both of us.’

Jobless Foster, of no fixed address, has admitted preventing the decent and lawful burial of Megan but denies murder. The trial continues.

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