Grieving dog lover spots face of dead dog in photo of moon

A grieving dog lover said she was left shocked after claiming to have spotted her dead pet in a photograph she snapped of the moon.

Donna Mortlock, 50, was heartbroken when her Jack Russell, named BJ, died shortly before his 19th birthday.

The cherished pet died of old age and his heartbroken family spent their first Christmas without him in nearly two decades.

But four days after Christmas Mrs Mortlock noticed the back garden in their home in Welling, Kent, flooded with moonlight and went out to enjoy it.

Donna Mortlock, 50, was heartbroken when her Jack Russell, named BJ, died shortly before his 19th birthday

Ms Mortlock took a photo of the full moon (left) in Welling, Kent and was astonished to look at her phone and spot a familiar face in the sky, that of BJ (right)

Snapping a photo of the full moon, Mrs Mortlock was astonished to look at her phone and see a familiar face staring back at her from the clouds underneath.

Mrs Mortlock said: ‘BJ was approaching 19 when he passed away. About three or four days after Christmas I was out in the back garden and it looked really bright.

‘I took the picture and I didn’t see anything initially. I looked at the picture and I just saw my dog.’

Mrs Mortlock sent the photo to her sons, Billy, 21, and Jack, 24 – who BJ was named after.

Cherished pet BJ died of old age and his heartbroken family spent their first Christmas without him in nearly two decades

Cherished pet BJ died of old age and his heartbroken family spent their first Christmas without him in nearly two decades

‘My youngest son came running out into the garden and we looked for the image but couldn’t see anything; it was in the picture,’ Ms Mortlock added.

‘At that moment it just looked like my dog.’

Mrs Mortlock, a teaching assistant, added: ‘We all agreed we were all freaked out by it and my husband Colin put it on Facebook.

‘It looks like him just when he died. I have gone through in my mind whether it is BJ from beyond the grave.

‘It would be a nice thing. It was nice to have that memory back.

‘He was well-loved. I just thought I’d take a picture because it was full moon and it was so bright.’

The family now have a new Jack Russell puppy called Taz, aged seven months.

Ms Mortlock sent the photo to her sons, Billy, 21, and Jack, 24 - who BJ was named after

Ms Mortlock sent the photo to her sons, Billy, 21, and Jack, 24 – who BJ was named after