Music teacher sent photo of his bottom to former pupil, 17

Dale Aubrey Evans(pic) accepted a friend request from a former pupil, 17, who went to a school where he had previously worked

A music teacher who sent a photo of his bottom to a former pupil after engaging in sexual conversations by text faces being struck off.

Dale Aubrey Evans was a teacher at Cardiff High School when he accepted a friend request from a former pupil, 17, who went to a school where he had previously worked.

An Education Workforce Council (EWC) Fitness to Practice hearing held in Cardiff heard that the then 17-year-old, known as pupil A, told Mr Evans he was gay and the teacher responded by giving him his personal telephone number.

Evans began texting what he thought was pupil A’s number but it belonged to a younger boy, referred to in proceedings as person C, who sent Mr Evans a photoshopped picture of a pornographic image with pupil A’s face on it.

In response, Mr Evans sent photos of himself bending over a bed with his bare bottom on show, which was subsequently shared on Snapchat by person C, pupil A and another former pupil, referred to as pupil B, who Mr Evans had also been messaging on Facebook.

It is alleged that Mr Evans’ conduct was sexually motivated and constituted ‘unacceptable professional conduct’.

A police investigation took place after a complaint was made against Mr Evans but they found no criminal behaviour had taken place.

The former teacher has denied his actions were unacceptable and claims he was a victim of ‘discriminatory and homophobic’ treatment by the former pupils, as they lied to him in order to out him as a gay man.

Case presenter Cadi Dewi told the hearing Mr Evans had taken up a position of head of music at Cardiff High School when the allegations surfaced.

Ms Dewi added: ‘Mr Evans accepted friend requests from two former pupils at his previous school. Pupil A said he engaged in conversation with Mr Evans who became flirty.

‘Pupil A messaged Mr Evans telling him he was gay and Mr Evans sent his personal phone number. He passed that number to person C who messaged Mr Evans pretending to be pupil A.

‘Whilst representing Cardiff High School at a conference in Manchester, Mr Evans sent text messages of a sexual nature to person C believing him to be pupil A.

‘They became explicit, pictures were sent and a photograph was widely shared across the Cardiff area of school pupils.

‘The former pupils said they pretended to be gay for their own amusement and sent a photoshopped photo of pupil A. 

‘After receiving the photos from Mr Evans, the three individuals blocked him and no further messages were made.

‘The counsel’s case is Mr Evans in sending messages as an adult and registered teacher amounted to gross misconduct and the fact they were the same age of those he continued to teach amounts to unacceptable professional conduct.’

Cardiff High School headteacher Stephen Jones appeared at the EWC hearing to give evidence.

He said he was telephoned by a safeguarding officer on December 7, 2015, to say an allegation had been made against Mr Evans regarding sexual messages to a former pupil.

The pupil, known as Pupil A, told Mr Evans he was gay and the teacher responded by giving him his personal telephone number. Pic: Cardiff High School, where Mr Evans worked

The pupil, known as Pupil A, told Mr Evans he was gay and the teacher responded by giving him his personal telephone number. Pic: Cardiff High School, where Mr Evans worked

The same day, Mr Evans requested a meeting with Mr Jones and told him he had done ‘something stupid’ and had made a ‘cock up’ by sending an explicit picture of himself to a former pupil.

Mr Jones said Mr Evans ‘repeatedly’ offered his resignation but he would not accept it having not heard the full facts.

After taking advice from relevant agencies, the school suspended Mr Evans and he was dismissed from his position following a disciplinary hearing.

In a statement read out to the committee, Mr Jones said: ‘An image was described to me of Dale Evans showing his bum while bending over the bed.

‘You could see part of his face and he was wearing a hoodie with Mr Evans written on it. I found the image shocking and extremely unprofessional.’

Mr Jones also said he had seen a message of an explicit sexual nature from Mr Evans to the person he believed was pupil A.

He added: ‘Mr Evans actions brought the school into disrepute and were incompatible with the schools ethos. 

‘There has been an irreparable breakdown in trust between Mr Evans and the school.’

Representing Mr Evans, Colin Adkins said the facts of the case had been ‘distorted’ and his client was the true victim.

He said: ‘These pupils were intent on outing a gay teacher. A teacher coming out should be a matter of their own choosing.

‘This can only be a vicious act for children to consider outing a teacher in that way. If this happened to a child it would be the subject of a child protection issue and when it happens to a member of staff the school should discipline those pupils.’

He added: ‘Mr Evans engaged in sexual activity with someone he believed to be 17 going on 18. There’s nothing inappropriate about that whatsoever.’

The hearing continues.