Kangaroo outside of public toilet in seductive pose

A tourist has hilariously been blocked from using a public toilet by a kangaroo striking a very seductive pose.

Sandrina Duniau, 30, spotted the racy roo casually lounging around in the entrance to a restroom in the scenic John Forrest National Park in Perth, Western Australia.

Cautious of the muscled marsupial’s robust stature, the French holidaymaker decided it was better to hold it in than to disturb the animal’s relaxation time. 

‘I couldn’t believe it and thought wow – only in Australia would something like this ever happen,’ she said. 

A tourist has hilariously been blocked from using a public toilet by a kangaroo striking a very seductive pose

Sandrina Duniau (pictured) spotted the racy roo casually lounging around in the entrance to a restroom in the scenic John Forrest National Park in Perth, Western Australia

Sandrina Duniau (pictured) spotted the racy roo casually lounging around in the entrance to a restroom in the scenic John Forrest National Park in Perth, Western Australia

Sandrina, who spent two weeks travelling around the state with partner Viktor Simonic, 26, snapped the priceless picture to show her family back home some of the unique hurdles she faced while in Australia.

The pharmaceutical marketer, who took the picture late last month, said: ‘It was so funny – I couldn’t stop laughing when I saw it was posed like that.

‘It was right in the middle of the toilets blocking the entrance to the doorway and there was no way I was brave enough to go and bother it. 

‘I love kangaroos so much and I just think they’re adorable. This one was particularly funny and cute the way it was posed.

‘Australia is such a beautiful country with perfect weather and I’d move here if I could.

‘I love all the animals here and I’ve been having so much fun taking pictures of all the warning signs for snakes and other dangerous creatures to scare my family back home. It’s so wild.’

'It was right in the middle of the toilets blocking the entrance to the doorway and there was no way I was brave enough to go and bother it'

‘It was right in the middle of the toilets blocking the entrance to the doorway and there was no way I was brave enough to go and bother it’

Red kangaroos stand at roughly 4ft 9ins on average but have been known to reach up to 6ft 9in.

Western Australia is also home to another kangaroo that took the world by storm last year after being snapped posing for the camera with his spectacular muscles on display.

Jackson Vincent spotted the ‘bodybuilder’ kangaroo bathing in a creek in Margaret River, Perth, before the animal squared up to his dog. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk