What type of drinker are you?

Are you a highly sociable shot clinker, or a clever pleasure-seeker who knows the value of taking your time over your favourite drink?

According to body language expert Judi James, there are seven different types of drinking personalities that you’ll usually observe if you take the time to look around you next time you’re on a night out at the pub. 

While some are more interested in how aesthetically pleasing their drink will look on social media, others prioritise hitting the dancefloor – and you can tell who is who just by observing their mannerisms and body language. 

How you choose to drink your cocktail on a night out can reveal a lot about your personality, according to body language expert Judi James (stock image) 

The Splash Drinker 

When drinking a cocktail such as a Pornstar Martini, they will splash the shot of prosecco into the glass without much thought. 

‘The splash drinker will have very practical, down-to-earth body-language’  Judi explained. ‘They’ll be no-nonsense and you’ll have no trouble spotting them as they’ll be the first on the dance floor.’

Rather than spending time savouring a fancy cocktail the splash drinker just wants to get on with it so they can enjoy themselves on the dancefloor.   

‘With them, what-you-see-is-what-you-get, they don’t mess around,’ Judi explained. 

The Squeeze Drinker

This drinker will make no bones about dipping their fingers into a perfectly-presented cocktail and squeezing a slice of passion fruit.

‘The squeeze defines themselves as tactile and literally hands-on; they are creative and crave attention,’ Judi explained. 

According to Judi, the shot clinker will always be the centre of attention, without even realising it 

According to Judi, the shot clinker will always be the centre of attention, without even realising it 

‘They can be a bit of a performer in life generally, happily taking centre stage at social events and parties and encouraging others to enjoy themselves too.’

The Share Drinker 

‘Some cocktail drinkers just love to share their pleasure with others, not only enjoying their cocktail but handing it round so everyone can take a sip,’ Judi said. 

‘They are a generous, happy-go-lucky giver. They would tend to beam as they perform their act of generosity and then perform a strong bonding ritual that makes others instantly warm to them. 

You’ll most likely find them in the middle of the party.’

The Shot-clinker

This personality type is ‘highly sociable, with a strong work-hard play-hard ethic’.

‘They know what they want and that’s to be social,’ Judi said. ‘They will be the centre of attention without realising it, and first to get the party started.’

‘They enjoy pack-partying, out in a group and often selecting the shot ritual of clinking glasses to intensify the fun via group or team shared activity. 

Pornstar Martini is UK’s most popular cocktail 

According to the CGA mixed drinks report, and Be At One Bars, the Porn Star Martini was officially the cocktail of 2017. Made with Absolut Vanilla, pineapple, passion fruit pulp and puree, vanilla syrup and topped with half a passion fruit, it’s usually served with a shot of champagne or prosecco on the side.

Toni Ingram, Head of Marketing at Pernod Ricard UK said: ‘The Porn Star was the number one trending cocktail of 2017. However what we discovered is that nobody knows how they’re meant to drink it! When speaking to bar tenders we discovered that one of the most frequently asked questions is ‘what am I meant to do with the shot?’.

They aren’t sure of the official ritual, and their recommendations are varied, so we set out to celebrate the many ways this cocktail is being enjoyed and have worked with Judi to reveal what your drinking style says about you.’ 

‘Synchronised rituals like this aid social bonding, meaning this person is probably pretty much the life and soul of the party.’

The Snap Drinker

Everyone has a friend in their group who is the ‘social media star’. 

Judi explained: ‘They will instantly stop and move to snap and share their cocktail on social media. 

‘This is before they tuck in is revealing their love of sharing the moment with their followers. For any snap drinker it’s always Instagram first, drink second.’

The Savour Drinker 

If you fall into this category, you’re the type to tune into all your  senses and aim to  enhance pleasure ‘in every way possible’.

‘They are the sophisticated taste lover,’ Judi continued. ‘A clever and indulgent pleasure-seeker, the savour drinker is sophisticated and smart. 

‘Their body language doesn’t always define them as too cool for school as they are happy savouring their drink and letting everyone know just how much they’re enjoying it.’

The Sip Drinker  

This personality type is also a pleasure-seeker, but is more strategic. 

‘The sipper might look like they are just taking their time but in fact they are the ultimate pleasure-seeker, someone smart and strategic who works at getting the best out of every situation,’ Judi said. 

‘They know that the best things come to those who wait, and are happy to draw out their favourite cocktail. They take care over their movements and are often found thoughtfully enjoying their cocktail.’

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