One in five Germans want a robot sex doll

Germans are enthusiastic about the introduction of robot sex dolls to the mainstream market, with one in five saying they would like to buy one.

A survey of the German public attitudes to robot sex dolls, also found that more than one in 20 say they could even fall in love with one of the life-like machines.

Sex dolls are currently in use in legal brothels in Austria and Germany, where the world’s first ‘doll-only’ brothel opened in Dortmund last year.  

Public support: Twenty per cent of Germans are considering buying a sex doll, while more than half of the population would not mind if their partner had sex with one, according to a survey

The survey was carried out by public broadcasters among all adults in Germany, but figures separating women’s and men’s answers were not released. 

According to a survey, now more than half of the German population would not mind if their partner had sex with a sex doll or robot and twenty per cent are considering buying one. 

However, not everyone is convinced that the sex doll craze will really lead to an increase in sales or brothel visits.

Computer and business scientist Oliver Bendel, who deals with questions of IT and machine ethics, said: ‘It will remain a niche.’

He pointed at the hefty price of silicone sex dolls, which can easily cost 7,500 GBP for top models.

On show: One of the sex dolls used at the doll only 'Bordoll' brothel in Dortmund

On show: One of the sex dolls used at the doll only ‘Bordoll’ brothel in Dortmund

Appreciated: Two men are seen 'testing' a robot sex doll at a robot exhibition

Appreciated: Two men are seen ‘testing’ a robot sex doll at a robot exhibition

Bendel said: ‘You do not just buy that on the fly.’

According to Bendel, there is still a taboo when it comes to sex dolls even if the research shows that many Germans would consider buying one.

Bendel said: ‘In the meanwhile sex toys are openly discussed. But love balls and dildos are not left everywhere in plain view. And where do I hide a sex robot from my partner?’

Austrian psychologist Gerti Senger explained why some men are more interested in sleeping with sex dolls instead of a real woman.

Senger said: ‘First, the man can do anything with the doll. Second, every intention is turned off, which can be a factor with a prostitute.’

But Senger, who is a co-chair at the Austrian Society for Sexual Research (OeGS), said that she was shocked by some dolls being more popular than real prostitutes and called it ‘a real autistic tendency’.