Blogger sings in dock as ‘anti-Semitic’ songs are played

Alison Chabloz, 53, arrived at court holding flowers and was supported from the public gallery by her followers

A controversial blogger sang along with her songs which described Auschwitz as a ‘theme park’ and the Holocaust as a ‘Holohoax’ in court today as she was tried for sending racist material.

Alison Chabloz, 53, arrived at court holding flowers and was cheered on from the public gallery by a group of her vocal supporters.

Chabloz, of Charlesworth, Derbyshire, posted a video to a YouTube video of her singing and playing the guitar to a song she wrote entitled (((survivor))).

In the provocative song, she mocks prominent Jewish figures, including Nobel Peace Prize winner Elie Wiesel, as well as Anne and Otto Frank, to the tune of a traditional Jewish song.

Chabloz appeared to sing the song as she appeared in court when the video was shown at Westminster Magistrates Court, with her supporters in the public gallery laughing and singing along.

She faces five charges related to three songs which are ‘grossly offensive’. She denies three counts of sending obscene material by public communication networks and two alternative counts of causing obscene material to be sent. 

The video was originally posted to her blog and shows her performing a number of other songs, one titled ‘Nemo’s Anti-Semitic Universe’ and the other titled ‘I like the story as it is – SATIRE’ to a group called ‘The London Forum’.

Chabloz, who describes herself as a Holocaust ‘revisionist’ and raises questions about the validity of the Holocaust.

The lyrics in (((survivor))) includes ‘Was it just a bunch of lies? Seems that some intend to pull the wool over our eyes. Eternal wandering liars haven’t got a clue, and when it comes to usury, victim’s always me and you’.

She also describes Auschwitz as a ‘theme park just for fools’ and ‘the gassing zone, a proven hoax, indoctrination rules’ as she performed at a conference at the Grosevenor Hotel in Victoria, London.

The group describe themselves as a group of non-party political group of nationalists and identitarians. 

Karen Robinson, prosecuting, said: ‘The defendant’s recorded performance from the Grosvenor Hotel was made available to view via an embedded link which appeared on her blog page, that embedded link taking the viewer to, and in particular, to the part of YouTube held by the London Forum Group.’

She added: ‘The songs target Jewish people and no others, and it would appear that the defendant’s work is motivated by discrimination in that sense.

Chabloz, seen arriving at court, describes herself as a Holocaust 'revisionist' and raises questions about the validity of the Holocaust

Chabloz, seen arriving at court, describes herself as a Holocaust ‘revisionist’ and raises questions about the validity of the Holocaust

‘The songs can only be assessed by placing them in the historical, religious and cultural context of the Holocaust and the history, more generally, of the Jewish people.

‘Jewish individuals and events in history affecting Jews are portrayed in a mocking, denigrating and insulting manner, deliberately.

‘The songs, specifically the language used within them have been carefully considered and composed with the language chosen deliberately.’

The triple brackets around the song ‘(((survivor)))’ is a gesture knwon as the ‘Echo’ which is allegedly used by the far-right to indicate someone who is targeted is Jewish, the court heard.

Ms Robinson said: ‘The defendant introduces the song by making a knowing reference to the three sets of brackets which form part of the title. Her reference and the way she X makes it clear that she is well aware of the significance of the three sets of brackets in this regard.

She arrived at court holding onto flowers and was followed into court by some of her supporters

She arrived at court holding onto flowers and was followed into court by some of her supporters

‘There is evidence that the use of three sets of bracket should in that way is itself an anti-Semitic gesture, known as the Echo, a symbol devised by far-right extremists to make Jewish figures more easily identifiable for the purpose of targeted, mainly, online harassment.’

They added: ‘They are anti-Semitic, they are targeting Jewish people as a whole, they use both their content and their tone to ensure maximum offence.

‘It may well be that some of the alleged humour derives from the level of offence to the Jewish peopleS the songs are designed to provoke maximum upset and discomfort. By the standards of an open and multi-racial society they are grossly offensive.’

Another of the charges relates to the lyrics of another song ‘I like the story as it is – SATIRE’, where Chabloz admits writing, include ‘six million were gassed alive… it’s a damn fine tale. I like the story as it is’. 

And in the song ‘Nemo’s Anti-Semitic Universe’, Chabloz sings ‘thanks to Robert Faurisson, the Holohaux is plain to see’ – Faurisson is a famous Holocaust denier and former academic. 

In the song, she also uses the term ‘Chosenite’ which the prosecution claim is a ‘crude and derogatory term for Jews and portrays the Jewish people as “the New Nazis”.

It also features grotesque lyrics referring to shrunken heads, soap made out of Jewish remains and lampshades made from skin.     

The court heard Chabloz has not been interviewed by police about the all the songs performed to the London Forum, but was interviewed under caution in regard to ‘I like it the way it is – SATIRE’.

Chabloz denied the charges in October, claiming she was being silenced by the ‘UK Jewish lobby’.   

The charges are based on whether embedding the hyperlink to the footage constitutes as sending, and if the her songs were grossly offensive.

The trial continues.