Senator Sarah Hanson-Young took 129 days to pay car bill

  • Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young took 129 days to pay $1,234.90 car hire bill
  • The party’s finance spokeswoman was meant to have paid the invoice in 30 days
  • Senator overspent on staff travel in 2015 and 2016 and needed a repayment plan

Greens senator Sarah-Hanson Young took four months to pay a $1,234 hire car bill – despite being given 30 days’ notice.

The 36-year-old former bank teller from Adelaide was given the invoice in July last year.

However she left it unpaid for 129 days despite being required to pay the $1,234.90 tab within a month, freedom of information documents obtained by The Australian show.

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young took 129 days to pay a $1,234.90 car hire invoice

Sarah Hanson-Young (pictured centre with party leader Richard Di Natale and her former media adviser Robert Simms) hold the finance portfolio which covers politicians' perks

Sarah Hanson-Young (pictured centre with party leader Richard Di Natale and her former media adviser Robert Simms) hold the finance portfolio which covers politicians’ perks

This isn’t the first time Senator Hanson has fallen foul of the rules, despite holding the Greens’ finance portfolio which is charged with scrutinising the entitlements of politicians. 

In 2015, she was billed $15,186.34 for overspending on staff travel and needed a year-long repayment plan.

A year later, she was invoiced $20,460.76 for again blowing the staff travel budget, leaving that tab unpaid for 355 days, the newspaper recalled.

The left-wing politician, who was Australia’s youngest senator when she took her seat in 2008, has a base salary of $199,000 and regularly campaigns against cuts to university education.

She also receives a $32,000 electoral allowance as a senator for South Australia.

A spokesman for Greens leader Richard Di Natale told The Australian he backed Senator Hanson remaining in the finance portfolio, noting she had paid her car hire invoice.  

Sarah Hanson-Young has previously fallen foul of staff travel expenses in 2015 and 2016

Sarah Hanson-Young has previously fallen foul of staff travel expenses in 2015 and 2016