People reveal the strangest things they were banned from

As a parent it is natural to be concerned about bad influences affecting your children – however, it seems that some are more cautious than others.

Adults who grew up with strict parents have been revealing the unlikely things they were kept away from as children.

Twitter user Nick Douglas, from New York, asked his followers to share the funniest  examples of pop culture they’d been instructed to avoid while growing up, after revealing that his own parents took issue with Sabrina the Teenage Witch. 

Nick Douglas asked his followers to share the funniest things they were banned from watching as a child, admitting he'd been banned from Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Nick Douglas asked his followers to share the funniest things they were banned from watching as a child, admitting he’d been banned from Sabrina the Teenage Witch

His post saw hoards of other people come forward to confess they’d been banned from everything from Rugrats (due to it featuring babies with ‘bad attitudes’) to the Spice Girls’ movie Spice World (because of the ‘birth scene’).

Nick has now had more than 2,000 responses to his confession on Twitter. 

User @Daggums said they’d been banned from watching Power Rangers because it’s ‘too violent’ – but was still allowed to own the merchandise.

Similarly, @Thewordunheard said their Quaker upbringing meant they weren’t allowed to watch Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other cartoons of the same nature because of violence.

One woman wasn't allowed to watch the Spice Girls film Spice World because a woman gave birth in it

One woman wasn’t allowed to watch the Spice Girls film Spice World because a woman gave birth in it

Another Twitter user said they had to sneak around to watch cartoons like The Simpsons

Another Twitter user said they had to sneak around to watch cartoons like The Simpsons

This person's parents banned them from watching 101 Dalmatians because of Disney villain Cruella de Vil

This person’s parents banned them from watching 101 Dalmatians because of Disney villain Cruella de Vil

They tweeted: ‘I had to tiptoe out of my bedroom to watch The Simpsons over their shoulder from behind the couch, because of the Itchy-and-Scratchy-style violence.’

User @Dotsmy was banned from watching Neighbours after she asked an elderly relative a very inappropriate question.

‘I asked my elderly Catholic grandma what condoms were, aged five,’ they said online.

Other people said they were only just experiencing classic pop culture as adults because they weren’t allowed to when they were children. 

This woman wasn't allowed to have an Eminem album but got given it back when she was 21st

This woman wasn’t allowed to have an Eminem album but got given it back when she was 21st

@iamnotwaynegale tweeted: ‘My mum confiscated The Marshall Mathers LP when I was 12. She wrapped it up and returned it to me on my 21st birthday.’

@JoshButler said: ‘My mum taped ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ off TV in the mid-90s when I was about six years old, but cut out the bit at the end where the bad guy drinks the wrong cup and turns to a scary skeleton.

‘I never saw that scene til I was like 22.’

This person said their cousins were banned from The Rugrats because of their 'bad attitudes'

This person said their cousins were banned from The Rugrats because of their ‘bad attitudes’