Hit and run driver who mowed down cyclist is jailed

Ugur Unlu has been jailed for slamming into and killing a cyclist as he overtook a car at twice the speed limit. He drove off after the crash, leaving the woman with fatal injuries

A speeding driver who mowed down and killed a cyclist on her way home from work has been jailed for six years.

‘Coward’ Ugur Unlu, 23, was driving his friend’s Smart Car when he hit newlywed Anita Szucs, 30, at such speed that he cut her bike in half, the Old Bailey heard.

The court heard the car had tinted windows, which may have made him unable to see Ms Szucs.

He drove off, leaving the Hungarian Aldi warehouse worker dying on London’s ‘cycle super highway’, not far from her home in Enfield, north London on 6 February last year.

Ms Szucs – who had not long been married to her hotel porter husband Tamas Mezo – was her way home from a late shift at a Lidl warehouse in Edmonton.

Prosecutor Sonya Saul said the crash happened in a 20mph zone but Unlu’s speed was around 57mph. He was on the wrong side of the road as he overtook another vehicle.

The prosecutor told the court: ‘An eyewitness to the incident described hearing a loud bang before seeing a bike fly through the air.’

Anita Szucs had not long been married to husband Tamas Mezo (pictured, together). He was informed at 4am after she was killed in the crash while cycling home from work

Anita Szucs had not long been married to husband Tamas Mezo (pictured, together). He was informed at 4am after she was killed in the crash while cycling home from work

The prosecutor added: ‘Following the collision the defendants fled at such speed despite the injuries that the victim suffered.

‘When the police arrived Ms Szucs lying face down with a large head wound – blood was coming from her eyes and nose.’

A colleague of hers, who was walking home from the same warehouse, saw her laying badly injured.

Ms Szucs was rushed to hospital where medics battled to keep her alive, but she died exactly an hour after the crash. Her new husband was told the tragic news at 4am.

Unlu’s lawyer said his client ‘had no idea’ that the slightly tinted windows of the car he was driving meant that it was unroadworthy.

‘Perhaps that explains why he did not see Ms Szucks,’ he said. ‘Thereafter he was shocked, scared, frightened and he acted like a coward as he says.’

Unlu was driving a car with tinted windows at the time and said he did not see his victim

Unlu was driving a car with tinted windows at the time and said he did not see his victim

He said Unlu ‘simply did not see her’, adding: ‘Thereafter he was shocked, scared, frightened and he acted like a coward as he says.’

The owner of the car, Huseyin Kaygisiz, was a passenger at the time and he was also prosecuted for causing death by no insurance and dangerous driving, which he admitted.

His lawyer told the court: ‘He admitted the prosecution’s case – that the car was his and he was in it. Not a day goes by that he does not think of the events of that night.’

Judge Rebecca Poulet QC jailed Unlu for six years and disqualified him from driving for four years and ordered him to take an extended driving test on release.

She told Unlu, who has a previous conviction for drink driving, that he ‘should have learnt to behave on the roads’ and she was ‘so troubled by his conduct that night.’

Ms Szucs was killed as she cycled along this road on her way home from work at a warehouse

Ms Szucs was killed as she cycled along this road on her way home from work at a warehouse

She told him: ‘Despite completely shattering the windscreen you did not stop – you drove on for two miles.’

The judge added: ‘Even at that point you drove on at speeds of up to 55 miles per hour – then left the car in another place, probably hoping that it would not be found.’

She spared Kaygisiz jail, instead handing him a prison sentence of 24 weeks suspended for two years and told him to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work.


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