Holly Butcher farewelled by family after touching letter

A brave young woman who wrote a heartbreaking letter prior to her death has been farewelled at an emotional ‘memorial’ service which she planned herself.

Holly Butcher’s letter urging people to cherish their every day on earth went viral this week, after it was revealed she wrote it in the moments leading up to her own death.

Tears flowed for the 27-year-old on Friday more than a week after she lost her battle with Ewing’s sarcoma, a severe cancer that affects the bones.

Some 800 mourners have gathered in her hometown of Grafton, in regional NSW, to farewell Ms Butcher at the funeral she organised in detail in the lead up to her death.


Holly Butcher has been farewelled, more than a week after her letter to the world prior to her death made headlines

Ms Butcher was laid to rest today at a 'memorial' service (pictured) that she planned herself

Ms Butcher was laid to rest today at a ‘memorial’ service (pictured) that she planned herself

Holly's father Ron (left), mother Wendy (centre) and her partner Luke (right) sit in the front row for the service

Holly’s father Ron (left), mother Wendy (centre) and her partner Luke (right) sit in the front row for the service

Ms Butcher's heartbroken partner Luke (front left) and mother Wendy (front right) lead the casket out of the pavilion

Ms Butcher’s heartbroken partner Luke (front left) and mother Wendy (front right) lead the casket out of the pavilion

The 27-year-old (pictured right) died on Thursday after a battle with Ewing's sarcoma, a cancer in and around the bones, and shared her life advice in a touching letter

The 27-year-old (pictured right) died on Thursday after a battle with Ewing’s sarcoma, a cancer in and around the bones, and shared her life advice in a touching letter

Ms Butcher’s parents Ron and Wendy and partner Luke Ashley-Cooper sat in the front row of the overflowing pavilion at the Grafton Showground.

Those gathered followed Ms Butcher’s wishes and wore a variety of colours, adding to the feel of a celebration that she wanted.

Her brother Dean gave a eulogy about her life before reading some memories from her heartbroken parents and partner.

A letter from legendary singer ‘Cat Stevens’, with who she had corresponded in the months before her death, was featured as part of the service.

Those gathered heard how the pair were meant to meet during his recent Australian tour, but it had not eventuated.

‘I am sorry not to have seen you after the show, but I am somehow familiar with your spirit,’ Stevens, known as Yusuf Islam, wrote. 

Mr Ashley-Cooper, Dean Butcher, her parents Ron and Wendy Butcher, and other family carry the casket

Mr Ashley-Cooper, Dean Butcher, her parents Ron and Wendy Butcher, and other family carry the casket

Tears flow as Luke Ashley-Cooper hugs his partner's mother Wendy and father Ron (pictured)

Tears flow as Luke Ashley-Cooper hugs his partner’s mother Wendy and father Ron (pictured)

Ms Butcher's mother and Mr Ashley-Cooper share a hug after sitting side-by-side in the funeral

Ms Butcher’s mother and Mr Ashley-Cooper share a hug after sitting side-by-side in the funeral

The brave cancer sufferer's parents and share with a hug a family member  outside the Grafton showgrounds pavilion

The brave cancer sufferer’s parents and share a hug with a family member outside the Grafton showgrounds pavilion

Ron Butcher comforts his tearful wife Wendy after the heartbreaking funeral for their daughter

Ron Butcher comforts his tearful wife Wendy after the heartbreaking funeral for their daughter

Shattered friends of Ms Butcher dressed colourfully for the service, just as she had asked

Shattered friends of Ms Butcher dressed colourfully for the service, just as she had asked

In the months before she passed away Ms Butcher had planned all the details for her funeral

In the months before she passed away Ms Butcher had planned all the details for her funeral

Ms Butcher's casket was covered in colourful flowers adding to the feeling of a celebration

Ms Butcher’s casket was covered in colourful flowers adding to the feeling of a celebration

The enormous T.J Ford Pavilion at the Grafton Showgrounds was overflowing with people

The enormous T.J Ford Pavilion at the Grafton Showgrounds was overflowing with people

‘We’re all on a journey, some of us get of the train before others, but the destination is still the same.’

The hundreds of seats inside the pavilion were quickly filled, leaving only standing room in and outside the venue.

After her brother Dean had finished his eulogy a slideshow of photos took mourners through the life of the bubbly young woman.

Ms Butcher’s letter, which was read by millions around the world, was also read out as part of the touching service.

‘The days tick by and you just expect they will keep on coming, until the unexpected happens,’ part of the letter read.

‘I’m 27 now. I don’t want to go. I love my life.’ 

The young woman said she wanted people to stop worrying about the ‘meaningless stresses in life’ such as traffic or weight and instead think about others. 

Ms Butcher's brother Dean speaks to the more than 800 people gathered in the overflowing pavilion

Ms Butcher’s brother Dean speaks to the more than 800 people gathered in the overflowing pavilion

Dean Butcher was among those to share his sister's letter on social media, writing: 'Some wise words from my little sis!'

Dean Butcher was among those to share his sister’s letter on social media, writing: ‘Some wise words from my little sis!’

Luke Ashley-Cooper, Ms Butcher's partner, fights back tears as her brother Dean speaks to the crowd

Luke Ashley-Cooper, Ms Butcher’s partner, fights back tears as her brother Dean speaks to the crowd

Ron Butcher told Daily Mail Australia on Thursday they had followed the wishes of Holly in the planning of the service

Ron Butcher told Daily Mail Australia on Thursday they had followed the wishes of Holly in the planning of the service

A letter (pictured) from legendary singer 'Cat Stevens', who she had corresponded with in the months before her death, was featured as part of the service

A letter (pictured) from legendary singer ‘Cat Stevens’, who she had corresponded with in the months before her death, was featured as part of the service

The order of service included photos from Ms Butcher's international travels with her partner

The order of service included photos from Ms Butcher's international travels with her partner

The order of service included photos from Ms Butcher’s international travels with her partner

Mr and Mrs Butcher are comforted by friends and family after arriving at the memorial

Mr and Mrs Butcher are comforted by friends and family after arriving at the memorial

A mourner becomes tearful as Dean Butcher shares memories from himself and his parents

A mourner becomes tearful as Dean Butcher shares memories from himself and his parents

He also shared the stories from Ms Butcher's partner Luke Ashley-Cooper

He also shared the stories from Ms Butcher’s partner Luke Ashley-Cooper

Mr Ashley-Cooper comforts a tearful woman sitting alongside him at the memorial service

Mr Ashley-Cooper comforts a tearful woman sitting alongside him at the memorial service

Pictures of the smiling 27-year-old's life were shared with the packed pavilion as part of the service

Pictures of the smiling 27-year-old’s life were shared with the packed pavilion as part of the service

The coffin of Ms Butcher sits at the front of the pavilion overflowing with mourners 

The coffin of Ms Butcher sits at the front of the pavilion overflowing with mourners 

Ms Butcher (pictured) wrote a letter to the world about cherishing every day in the moments leading up to her own death

Ms Butcher (pictured) wrote a letter to the world about cherishing every day in the moments leading up to her own death

‘Let all that s*** go… it is so insignificant when you look at life as a whole,’ Ms Butcher wrote.

‘Take a big breath of that fresh Aussie air deep in your lungs, look at how blue the sky is and how green the trees are… think how lucky you are to be able to do just that – breathe.’

A state representative in squash and hockey, she watched her body waste away and reminded people to be grateful if they aren’t suffering life threatening illnesses. 

‘Don’t miss out on experiences because you spent all your money on material s***,’ Ms Butcher wrote.

‘Trust just enjoying and being in moments rather than capturing them through the screen of your phone. 

‘Life isn’t meant to be lived through a screen nor is it about getting the perfect photo … enjoy the bloody moment people! 

The young woman, who encouraged people to 'work to live not live to work', also reminded everyone to donate blood because blood donations kept her 'alive for an extra year'

The young woman, who encouraged people to ‘work to live not live to work’, also reminded everyone to donate blood because blood donations kept her ‘alive for an extra year’

Despite the day being an emotional one, mourners were still able to celebrate the life of Holly

Despite the day being an emotional one, mourners were still able to celebrate the life of Holly

A close friend of Ms Butcher's lays some more flowers on Ms Butcher's wicker coffin

A close friend of Ms Butcher’s lays some more flowers on Ms Butcher’s wicker coffin

The hundreds of seats inside the pavilion were quickly filled, with mourners forced to take up standing room against the walls

The hundreds of seats inside the pavilion were quickly filled, with mourners forced to take up standing room against the walls

An elderly woman hugs a young member of the family at Ms Butcher's funeral service

An elderly woman hugs a young member of the family at Ms Butcher’s funeral service

The service was so busy mourners were forced to stand outside in the shade

The service was so busy mourners were forced to stand outside in the shade

The colourful crowd heard Ms Butcher's advice encouraging people to 'work to live not live to work'

The colourful crowd heard Ms Butcher’s advice encouraging people to ‘work to live not live to work’

Ms Butcher's colourful casket sits at the front of the packed T.J Ford Pavilion in the Grafton Showgrounds

Ms Butcher’s colourful casket sits at the front of the packed T.J Ford Pavilion in the Grafton Showgrounds

‘Stop trying to capture it for everyone else.’

The young woman, who encouraged people to ‘work to live not live to work’, signed off by reminding everyone to donate blood. 

‘Blood donation … helped keep me alive for an extra year – a year I will be forever grateful that I got to spend it here on earth with my family, friends and dog,’ Ms Butcher wrote. 

‘A year I had some of the greatest times of my life.’     

'That's the thing about life, it is fragile, precious, unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right,' Ms Butcher (pictured) wrote

‘That’s the thing about life, it is fragile, precious, unpredictable and each day is a gift, not a given right,’ Ms Butcher (pictured) wrote

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk