Indian girl dies after gang rapists rupture her lungs

The horrific gang rape of a 15-year-old girl has shocked India after it was revealed she suffered a ruptured liver and lungs as her aggressors took turns mutilating her.

The lower-class Dalit child from the northern Indian state of Haryana went missing on Tuesday after she left home for school.

She was found dead on Saturday with 19 serious injuries to her body – which police say indicate she was tortured.

A 15-year-old girl from the northern Indian state of Haryana died after she was raped and mutilated by at least four aggressors who ruptured her liver and lungs before drowning her. Pictured: the police chief of the district in which she lived

‘At least four men are suspected to be behind the crime,’ said district police chief Abhishek Garg.

‘A massive search is underway to arrest the perpetrators’, he added.

Her liver and lungs had been ruptured and an object had been jammed into her privates, doctors said.

The school girl’s half-naked body was found near a canal about 100 kilometres away from her home near the city of Kurukshetra.

She was discovered wrapped in a torn shirt with wounds on her face, neck, lips and chest. 

The school girl's half-naked body was found near a canal about 100 kilometres away from her home near the city of Kurukshetra. Pictured: SK Dattarwal who carried out the post mortem

The school girl’s half-naked body was found near a canal about 100 kilometres away from her home near the city of Kurukshetra. Pictured: SK Dattarwal who carried out the post mortem

A post mortem also suggested at least four people had been involved in her rape and torture. It also confirmed she had suffered drowning.

Police said they believe she died two days before she was discovered, reports NDTV.

‘The body had many injury marks, the private parts were mutilated and there were lots of internal injuries,’ said SK Dattarwal, a doctor from the Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences.

‘Signs of sexual assault are visible and it looks like at least four people were responsible, a hard and blunt thing was inserted inside her, signs of drowning also found.’

He said it was apparent that the girl had struggled to escape but was gagged, and someone sat on her chest.

Damning criticism of the Indian administration came from the victim's father (pictured)

Damning criticism of the Indian administration came from the victim’s father (pictured)

The girl’s distraught father criticised the Indian administration, saying: ‘My daughter was kidnapped and raped. She was tortured. If the administration had done its job well, an incident like this would have never happened.’

Local police said two special investigation teams had been set up to look into the girl’s death.

Just hours after the grisly discovery, police in Panipat district on Saturday found the body of a 12-year-old girl in a pond.

Panipat police chief Rahul Sharma said two men, both neighbours of the victim, had been arrested over the crime.

Both had confessed to luring the girl to their house before raping and killing her, Sharma said.

The crimes underscore India’s atrocious record on sexual violence, which remains high despite authorities vowing to stamp out the scourge.

India's top court on Friday upheld death sentences against four men who fatally gang raped a woman on board a bus in 2012, including Pawan Gupta

Vinay Sharma

Pawan Gupta (left) and Vinay Sharma (right) were found guilty of the high profile gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old student in Delhi in 2012. They were sentenced to death

Akshay Singh Thakur (pictured) and Mukesh Kumar were the other two men sentenced to death for the rape and murder that caused an international outcry

Mukesh Kumar

Akshay Singh Thakur (left) and Mukesh Kumar (right) were the other two men sentenced to death for the rape and murder that caused an international outcry

The event reignited anger about high numbers of attacks against women, after the public outrage that erupted over the fatal gang-rape of a student in Delhi in 2012.

That incident sparked tougher punishments for rapists and improved policies for police handling of assault cases, to try to encourage more victims to report the attacks. 

The crimes underscore India’s atrocious record on sexual violence, which remains high despite authorities vowing to stamp out the scourge.

Official figures show nearly 36,000 minors were sexually assaulted in 2016. A UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in 2014 said one in three rape victims in India was a minor and expressed alarm over the widespread sexual abuse of children.