Beatboxer silenced by churchgoer in Harrogate

  • The church-goer was filmed walking up to the artist and telling him to be quieter
  • The beatboxer had been entertaining shoppers in Harrogate, North Yorkshire
  • The audience laughed as the woman gave the musician a public telling-off

A beatboxer was silenced mid-flow after an irate church-goer strode up to him to complain ‘the whole church is shaking – there’s too much bass’.

The worshipper had come from a church near to where the street artist was performing to complain about the volume.

Footage shows him receiving a public telling-off then reaching to turn down his amplifier as the heckler strides away.

At the start of the video the artist is entertaining shoppers and passers-by with his music and his moves on the street in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. 

A woman in a purple coat emerges from the crowd towards him, though he carries on his act for a few seconds, clearly unsure what is happening. 

She gestures towards the church she has come from and tells him the building is shaking, miming a volume dial as she says: ‘There’s too much bass’. 

The musician laughs and sheepishly turns the volume down, though the woman seems in good spirits as she walks back towards the church.  

As she walks off audience members laugh and jeer while one shouts ‘you can never have too much bass’. 

A beatboxer was silenced mid-flow after an irate church-goer strode up to him to complain ‘the whole church is shaking – there’s too much bass’

The woman gestures towards the church she has come from and tells him the building is shaking, miming a volume dial as she says: 'There's too much bass'

The musician laughs and sheepishly turns the volume down, though the woman seems in good spirits as she walks back towards the church

The woman gestures towards the church she has come from and tells him the building is shaking, miming a volume dial as she tells him to keep it down

Delivery driver Roger Dobbs, 31, filmed the video in Harrogate on Saturday.

He said: ‘She looked proper concerned but the guy just laughed – I think he was a bit shocked.

‘I just don’t think he was expecting it – I think he was more shocked than anything else. I mean the bass was loud but that’s just the effect of it.

‘I don’t think anyone could believe it but he carried on afterwards for a couple more hours.

‘I think he’s great – I see him performing all the time in Leeds – but it’s a bit more wide-open there and there are more teenagers hanging about.’ 

The man who filmed the footage said the musician carried on performing after the woman's unexpected interruption

The man who filmed the footage said the musician carried on performing after the woman’s unexpected interruption