Florida boy throws tantrum as he is getting a baby sister

A couple has filmed the hilarious moment their eight-year-old son threw a temper tantrum after discovering he was getting a baby sister.

Destin Torres burst into tears when he found out his parents Brittany and Freddie Torres were having another girl, as he was desperately hoping for a little brother.

Already outnumbered with two sisters, the youngster was devastated, despite the news being delivered in the form of delicious cupcakes with pink icing in the middle.

Eight-year-old Destin (left) was left distraught when he found out his parents were having a baby girl rather than the brother he was hoping for

In the video, filmed earlier this month at the family’s home in Naples, Florida, painter Freddie, 32, asks Destin and younger sisters Lexiann, six, and Aviana, three, what they would like.

The sisters reply ‘girl’ and Destin says ‘boy please’.

Destin excitedly claps his hands before digging into the cupcake but as soon as he splits it in the middle he says ‘a girl’ and, with his mouth smothered in icing, collapses to the floor in floods of tears.

Parents Brittany and Freddie Torres organised a gender reveal where their children would find out what gender the new arrival would be by splitting a cupcake in half and seeing the colour

Parents Brittany and Freddie Torres organised a gender reveal where their children would find out what gender the new arrival would be by splitting a cupcake in half and seeing the colour

Although Destin was devastated with the news, his sisters Lexiann (middle), six, and Aviana (right), three were delighted

Although Destin was devastated with the news, his sisters Lexiann (middle), six, and Aviana (right), three were delighted

Despite his parents trying to console him by telling him he’s got the special part of being the big boy brother, he can’t be comforted.

Full-time mother Brittany, 28, is 16 weeks pregnant.

She said: ‘We decided to save his reaction as we had an idea that he would be a bit upset but we didn’t think it would be like that.

Mother-of-four Brittany (centre) is 16-weeks pregnant, and says they did not think their son would be impressed with the news, but were not expecting a tantrum

Mother-of-four Brittany (centre) is 16-weeks pregnant, and says they did not think their son would be impressed with the news, but were not expecting a tantrum

After the reveal, Destin put on depressing music and when his mother asked him what it was, he replied 'song sad radio'

After the reveal, Destin put on depressing music and when his mother asked him what it was, he replied ‘song sad radio’

‘He was really hoping for a boy, he had been saying “I hope it’s a brother”.

‘I didn’t expect him to burst into tears, I just thought he would brush it off.

‘If he doesn’t get something he wants he usually accepts it and leaves it alone. He’s usually pretty good at taking on news he doesn’t want to hear.

‘I tried to console him and wanted him to feel like he has a special place in our family but you can see at that moment he wants nothing to do with that.

‘Afterwards he was listening to the radio on the internet – it was really depressing music and I said “what are you listening to?” and he replied “sad song radio”.

'He is very protective over them': Brittany says that 8-year-old Destin is wonderful with his sisters

‘He is very protective over them’: Brittany says that 8-year-old Destin is wonderful with his sisters

‘He was upset for a week after. He didn’t want to hear me talk about it, I was talking about it to his dad and he told me off.

‘I said to him “you are going to love her” and he said “I am but I wanted a brother”.

‘I think it’s because there are already girls in the family. He’s the oldest and was hoping for a brother – he doesn’t want more girly stuff.’

Brittany said she’s watched the video every day since and it keeps making her laugh.

Brittany said: ‘I just wanted to see their reaction and have a memory of it to look back on and it ended up being a lot funnier. I put it on Facebook and everyone started sharing it.

'You will have to try for a brother now': Although Destin seems less upset with the idea of a sister, he has told his mother than she needs to have a boy too

‘You will have to try for a brother now’: Although Destin seems less upset with the idea of a sister, he has told his mother than she needs to have a boy too

‘I thought it was cute when my husband asks what they want and he says ‘a boy please’. I liked how he said “please”.’

The couple said finding out they were pregnant was a blessing after they lost their home and all of their belongings in Hurricane Irma which hit Florida at the end of August.

Brittany, who is planning to call the new arrival Cora-Jayde, said: ‘It was a surprise pregnancy. We lost our home and had been staying in a hotel.

‘She is a blessing. She has definitely made things a lot easier for us.

‘When we moved into our new place we were trying to get new stuff and every day I was really upset.

The family lost their home and everything they own in Storm Irma, which was when Brittany found out she was pregnant. She says the pregnancy is a 'blessing'

The family lost their home and everything they own in Storm Irma, which was when Brittany found out she was pregnant. She says the pregnancy is a ‘blessing’

‘I took the test and from that moment I forgot about everything and it was a really heart-warming feeling.

‘It has been a really good pregnancy. I had been craving meat and spicy food so I was convinced it was a boy.

‘With my girls I craved more sweet stuff so it was a shock to us but as long as she’s healthy that’s all that matters.’

Brittany added Destin is wonderful with his sisters.

Brittany said: ‘If we go out he makes sure they are on the inside of the pavement away from the road. He is very protective over them.

‘I think he’s coming round to the idea, he’s happy there’s going to be another baby.

‘He told me “I know I will like my sister but it would have been nice to have a brother so you will have to try for a brother now”.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk