Bethany Shipsey’s parents watched helplessly in hospital

On the day of the incident, Bethany Shipsey messaged a friend with ‘tear emojis’, saying: ‘I have just overdosed on DNP’

The parents of a young woman who died after taking an overdose of diet pills have told an inquest how they felt ‘invisible’ as hospital staff ignored their daughter while she ‘burned from the inside’.

Bethany Shipsey, 21, was left on a trolley in a packed A&E corridor before being seen by a junior doctor who was dealing with a drug he had ‘never seen before’.

An inquest heard she swallowed 30 pills of 2,4-Dinitrophenol she had bought online from Ukraine before texting a friend using a sad face emoji and said: ‘I have just overdosed on DNP.’

Miss Shipsey had been in the care of mental health professionals for two years but was not considered a suicide risk despite saying it was her fifteenth overdose.

She suffered from mental health issues after being sexually assaulted by her ex-boyfriend, Barry Finch, who was sentenced to six years in jail in August 2016.

And on February 15 last year she was rushed to Worcestershire Royal Hospital – where she was on home leave from a psychiatric ward – following the overdose.

Today her parents Doug, 52, and Carole, 57, told a coroner how overworked nurses and doctors overlooked their daughter as they had been busy with other patients.

Mrs Shipsey, a nurse, said she ‘had false confidence in my fellow colleagues’ as they dismissed her daughter’s symptoms a panic attack on the overcrowded A&E unit.

She said at one point she was even forced to try and open her daughter’s airways herself because of ‘complacent’ nurses failing to act.

Her father told how he had even tried to show doctors on his phone that DNP was a killer drug as Bethany complained she was ‘burning from the inside.’

(Left to right) Tom, Doug and Carole Shipsey were pictured at Stourport-upon-Severn coroners court for the inquest into the death of their daughter, Bethany

(Left to right) Tom, Doug and Carole Shipsey were pictured at Stourport-upon-Severn coroners court for the inquest into the death of their daughter, Bethany

Giving evidence, Mrs Shipsey described her daughter as being a gifted photographer and animal welfare activist who was ‘full of life’.

But she said her mental health problems started when she faced bullying on social media and broke up with her boyfriend.

She said: ‘The overdoses were always quite calculated and she always let people know what she had done, almost like a safety net.

‘There was one occasion which did involve the railway, but that was more of a pact with the boyfriend that instigated that.

‘She reassured me she didn’t want to die, she was making plans for her future.’

Her mother told the court on the day of her daughter’s death she had a phone call from her son saying Beth had taken some diet pills.

She added: ‘To be honest, your heart sinks – again, another overdose, and if I am honest that preceding week was very difficult for Beth with the stalker.

‘I know Valentine’s Day, the first without her boyfriend, she felt very stressed about that.

‘By the time I drove up, it was just after 7pm. She was in the resuscitation area, I am beginning to think this is serious, that’s my first thought.

She was rushed to Worcestershire Royal Hospital - where she was on home leave from a psychiatric ward - following the overdose on February 15 last year

She was rushed to Worcestershire Royal Hospital – where she was on home leave from a psychiatric ward – following the overdose on February 15 last year

‘I looked at her and my first thought was, because she was normally very pale complexion, she was really flushed.

‘I went up to her and I kept calm – she was fidgeting around on the bed and she said to me, “I am burning from the inside”. It was very busy in the unit.

‘I stayed with Beth, her electrodes kept coming off her skin because she was very, very moist.

‘I could see the nurse was busy so I stuck them back on – I even actually changed them to get a better signal. Beth’s breathing was faster than normal. She said, “I can’t see properly”.

‘I remember calling the nurse from behind the curtain: “can you come and look at Beth?” The nurse came over. She said, “you are having a panic attack Bethany”.

‘She was talking to Beth, saying, “calm your breathing down”.

‘One thing I did notice spanned over several minutes, the heart rate was going up by increments but never ever did come back down again.

‘The next thing I knew a person arrives into resuscitation and said we are moving her.

Bethany Shipsey, 21, suffered from severe mental health issues after being emotionally abused and sexually assaulted 

Bethany Shipsey, 21, suffered from severe mental health issues after being emotionally abused and sexually assaulted 

‘I never saw anyone looking at Beth, they were all busy with other patients behind the curtains.

‘No doctor spoke to me at all so I didn’t notice any doctors.’

Worcester coroners’ court heard on the day of her fatal overdose she was treated by a junior doctor who knew nothing about the drug she had taken.

She was taken to a resuscitation room but was moved to make way for others, and was given a tracheotomy to help her breathe only after it was too late.

Dr Alireza Niroumand admitted that he had researched the drug on a toxicology database because he was only used to paracetamol overdoses.

Mrs Shipsey said: ‘When Beth was moved to majors I had not met any doctors at all – Dr Niroumand whizzed past the cubicle, took a look and whizzed back off.

‘After that she was just fidgeting on the bed and appeared to be getting hotter – she felt warm, she was bright red and sweating.

‘I knew that she had taken DNP and when I got there Doug said he had tried to show people on his phone it was a killer drug.

‘During time in resuscitation, I did get more and more concerned – I could see heart rate increasing, respiratory rate increasing.

‘Conversely, and I regret this, I also had confidence – wrongly so – in my fellow colleagues and thought they knew what was going to happen and taking steps.

‘I was in a false sense of feeling that they would take care of her. I felt invisible – everybody was doing what they needed to do for others.

 Her parents  (left) told an inquest how they felt 'invisible' as hospital staff ignored their daughter

 Her parents  (left) told an inquest how they felt ‘invisible’ as hospital staff ignored their daughter

‘Nobody did speak to use or attended to Beth other than that nurse in that room.

‘When we went out to majors that nurse was very alarmed at what she saw, she didn’t feel Beth should be there and she should be back in resuscitation, bearing in mind she had not long come out.

‘There was a sense of urgency then but prior to that no sense of urgency or a conversation with us. It was as if they were complacent.

‘You could hear Beth breathing, it was that fast it was audible. She was no longer flush, she was really pale and had rolled towards the bedside and was stuck against the bedside and pushed into it.

‘I remember thinking, “Beth, you can’t do that, you are going to squash your face”.

‘She was white, really pale – her eyes were open and her pupils were pinpointed. I called the nurse and said I am not happy, can you come now.

‘I said to her you need to come now, I think she is going to fit – she had her arm up very stiffly and at that point, as a nurse, I was thinking I need to open her airway.

‘I remember trying to put her head down, trying to open her airway and the nurse came across and pulled the emergency bell.

‘I thought, “I can’t do this – it’s my daughter”, so I stood back and went into the corridor to wait.’

Her father added: ‘I knew this was a more dangerous situation than previous situations – I heard these were dangerous diet pills.

‘When medical staff used the term DNP I looked it up that afternoon and I saw some news articles that some young people had died from it.

‘I remember one headline that it effectively microwaves people from the inside out.

‘I was trying to emphasise and persuade (a member of staff) to come with me a few yards away from the bed to explain on the phone, this is a killer drug we are dealing with and we need to up the game.

‘He went off to find a nurse, I explained the same thing to her. They tried to convince me they knew what they were dealing with – I knew on this occasion we were in unknown territory.

‘When I tried to speak to Dr Niroumand when he did triage Beth in the corridor, I was trying to convince him we are not talking about paracetamol and drugs you can reverse quite easily. I didn’t get a response from him’

The inquest continues.

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