Father-of-three in a medically induced COMA from the flu

A father-of-three is in a medically induced coma to save his life from the deadly flu.

Adam York, 38, fell ill the day after Christmas just after his three children had all gotten over the flu.

By New Year’s day his condition had worsened with a fever that wouldn’t break, fluid in his lungs and a thrown out back.

His wife Felicia, 38, took him to the emergency room where he was immediately placed in the Intensive Care Unit, on a breathing tube and then eventually in a coma.

Now the popcorn maker from Alabama is still sedated as doctors are administering drugs to fight the deadly virus that has been consuming the US this season.

A father-of-three from Alabama is in a medically induced coma due to the flu 

Adam York, 38, fell ill with the flu after Christmas and had a fever for a week before going to the emergency room 

Adam York, 38, fell ill with the flu after Christmas and had a fever for a week before going to the emergency room 

When over-the-counter medications could not ease Adam’s symptoms, his wife Felicia, 38, took him to the emergency room.  

After testing positive for the flu he was admitted. 

Within 24 hours of being in the hospital his condition got worse and doctors’ last resort was to place him in a medically induced coma.

Felicia wrote in a Facebook post: ‘He is an amazing husband and wonderful father. We just want him to come home.’ 

Adam owns a popcorn making business while his wife home-schools their three children. 

The family does not have health care.

Felicia said the medical bills have begun trickling in and she has created a GoFundMe to pay for them.

This season the flu has killed at least 20 children and more than 85 adults in the US, according to the CDC.

The rate of hospitalizations almost doubled in a week, leaving hospitals overcrowded, understaffed and turning some patients away. 

Experts warn that infants and elderly people are the most vulnerable. The flu is now widespread in more than 46 states as the outbreak reaches his peak, making it one of the worse flu seasons in years.

It is especially dangerous because while most people suffering from the flu experience fever, chills, muscle aches, cough, congestion, runny nose, headaches and fatigue, not all those infected show symptoms.


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk