Couple stages birth photo shoot with their CAT

A couple of proud cat owners staged an incredibly realistic birth photo shoot with their kitten to celebrate the tiny feline’s arrival into their home.

Lucy Schultz, 24, a photographer and committed cat lover, welcomed her first cat with her partner Steve after years of yearning for a kitten of her own.

The pair, based in Denver, Colorado, waited until their were financially stable to adopt their cat, a five-month-old, white and orange male rescue kitten who hasn’t been named yet.

Congratulations! A couple of proud cat owners staged an incredibly realistic birth photo shoot with their kitten to celebrate the tiny feline’s arrival into their home

That's an idea: Lucy Schultz, 24, a photographer and committed cat lover, welcomed her first cat with her partner Steve after years of yearning for a kitten of her own, and staged a special photo shoot to mark the occasion

That’s an idea: Lucy Schultz, 24, a photographer and committed cat lover, welcomed her first cat with her partner Steve after years of yearning for a kitten of her own, and staged a special photo shoot to mark the occasion

Quirky: The pictures mimic traditional birth photo shoots and include shots of Lucy as though she is going through labor

Quirky: The pictures mimic traditional birth photo shoots and include shots of Lucy as though she is going through labor

Process: Elizabeth Woods-Darby, who took the images, made sure to include a shot of Steven (left) as if he's welcoming his newborn into the world

Baby! she also took pictures of the feline wrapped in a towel

Process: Elizabeth Woods-Darby, who took the images, made sure to include a shot of Steven (left) as if he’s welcoming his newborn into the world, as well as pictures of the feline wrapped in a towel

Emotional: With the photos, Elizabeth made sure to get all the moving shots typically expected for new parents

Emotional: With the photos, Elizabeth made sure to get all the moving shots typically expected for new parents

Uncanny: The images perfectly mirror the emotion-filled photos some couples take during the birth of a child

Uncanny: The images perfectly mirror the emotion-filled photos some couples take during the birth of a child

Lucy had previously thought she would want to do a baby-style announcement once she got her own cat, announcing the arrival of the feline like new parents would do with that of a newborn.

But after brainstorming with her friend and videographer Elizabeth Woods-Darby, Lucy decided to take things to the ‘next level’, as she told Yahoo.

The result was a photo shoot that has all the hallmarks of a traditional birth photo session, complete with photos of Lucy as though she is going through the stages of labor.

Elizabeth, who was behind the camera, also took emotional snaps of Lucy and Steven holding their furry baby, carefully wrapped in a towel for the occasion.

Responsible: Stevend and Lucy, based in Denver, Colorado, waited until their were financially stable to adopt their cat, a five-month-old, white and orange male rescue kitten who hasn't been named yet

Responsible: Stevend and Lucy, based in Denver, Colorado, waited until their were financially stable to adopt their cat, a five-month-old, white and orange male rescue kitten who hasn’t been named yet

Thought process: Lucy had previously thought she would want to do a baby-style announcement once she got her own cat, announcing the arrival of the feline like new parents would do with that of a newborn

Thought process: Lucy had previously thought she would want to do a baby-style announcement once she got her own cat, announcing the arrival of the feline like new parents would do with that of a newborn

Escalating: But after brainstorming with Elizabeth, Lucy decided to take things to the 'next level' with the photo session

Escalating: But after brainstorming with Elizabeth, Lucy decided to take things to the ‘next level’ with the photo session

Art imitating life: The result of the trio's work was a series of images with all the hallmarks of a traditional birth photo session

Art imitating life: The result of the trio’s work was a series of images with all the hallmarks of a traditional birth photo session

New to the world: Elizabeth's images include many close-up shoots of Lucy and Steven's furry baby

New to the world: Elizabeth’s images include many close-up shoots of Lucy and Steven’s furry baby

Keeping a straight face: While the trio laughed throughout the photo session, they regained their composure for the snaps

Keeping a straight face: While the trio laughed throughout the photo session, they regained their composure for the snaps

Acting: Lucy pretended to be experiencing the pains of labor with the kitten placed between her legs

Acting: Lucy pretended to be experiencing the pains of labor with the kitten placed between her legs

Peaceful: Lucy and Steven's pet appeared to rest blissfully during certain moments of the photo session

Eyes closed: The kitten didn't appear to mind cuddling with his new owner as part of the hilarious project

Peaceful: Lucy and Steven’s pet appeared to rest blissfully during certain moments of the photo session

Details: 'We wanted the images to feel as real life as possible,' Elizabeth said. 'The unmade bed, the messy sweaty face and hair, the natural light and the sweetness of the new five -month-old kitten with his new parents'

Details: ‘We wanted the images to feel as real life as possible,’ Elizabeth said. ‘The unmade bed, the messy sweaty face and hair, the natural light and the sweetness of the new five -month-old kitten with his new parents’

Pairing: Lucy said she's 'a lucky woman' for having found a partner who embraces all her quirks, including her cat obsession

Pairing: Lucy said she’s ‘a lucky woman’ for having found a partner who embraces all her quirks, including her cat obsession

Lucy, naturally, shared the photos on Facebook as though announcing the birth if a child, writing ‘On 1/10/18 we welcome our first baby kitten, a neutered male DLH. He is 22″ long and weighed 6 pounds 7 oz. He is already eating solid food. Name to be announced. We are so in love.’

‘We wanted the images to feel as real life as possible,’ Elizabeth told Yahoo. ‘The unmade bed, the messy sweaty face and hair, the natural light and the sweetness of the new five -month-old kitten with his new parents.

‘The hilarity did not escape us. But we charged on through our laughter. And yes, we laughed the whole shoot. But Lucy and her partner were troopers and we managed to capture some incredibly heartfelt images as well. It was one of the funnest shoots I’ve done in a while.’

The images have now been shared 72,000 times from Lucy’s Facebook page, and have left viewers either laughing or scratching their heads.

As for Lucy, she said she’s ‘a lucky woman’ for having found a partner who loves her exactly as she is.

‘He’s the best man I’ve ever met, and he completely embraces my weirdness and my obsession with cats,’ she said.

The kitten, meanwhile, has started learning the rules of his new home, and has become ‘very curious’ about his owners’ two fish tanks.

Giggles: 'The hilarity did not escape us. But we charged on through our laughter,' Elizabeth said of the session

Giggles: ‘The hilarity did not escape us. But we charged on through our laughter,’ Elizabeth said of the session

Proud mom: Lucy, naturally, shared the photos on Facebook as though announcing the birth if a child, writing 'On 1/10/18 we welcome our first baby kitten, a neutered male DLH. He is 22" long and weighed 6 pounds 7 oz'

Message: 'He is already eating solid food. Name to be announced. We are so in love,' Lucy added in her announcement

Proud mom: Lucy, naturally, shared the photos on Facebook as though announcing the birth if a child, writing ‘On 1/10/18 we welcome our first baby kitten, a neutered male DLH. He is 22″ long and weighed 6 pounds 7 oz’

Reactions: The images have now been shared 72,000 times from Lucy's Facebook page, and have left viewers either laughing or scratching their heads

Reactions: The images have now been shared 72,000 times from Lucy’s Facebook page, and have left viewers either laughing or scratching their heads

Now for the tough work: The kitten, meanwhile, has started learning the rules of his new home

They learn so fast: He has even become 'very curious' about his owners' two fish tanks

Now for the tough work: The kitten, meanwhile, has started learning the rules of his new home, and has become ‘very curious’ about his owners’ two fish tanks

Real: Elizabeth's photos include this close-up of Steven and Lucy's intertwined hands, which gives the set an emotional feel

Real: Elizabeth’s photos include this close-up of Steven and Lucy’s intertwined hands, which gives the set an emotional feel

Trio: Steven and Lucy posed much like proud parents with their cherished kitten wrapped in its towel

Trio: Steven and Lucy posed much like proud parents with their cherished kitten wrapped in its towel