We must give the NHS £100m to beat Corbyn, says Boris

  • Boris Johnson believes Government can beat Jeremy Corbyn with NHS pledge
  • Foreign Secretary toured on Vote Leave bus on 2016 with ‘incorrect’ figure painted on the side 
  • Its slogan read: ‘We send the EU £350million a week, let’s fund our NHS instead.’

Boris Johnson wants Theresa May to counter the threat of Jeremy Corbyn by pledging to give the NHS an extra £100million a week after Brexit.

The Foreign Secretary has told colleagues he believes the government must adopt a Vote Leave pledge and give billions that would have been handed to Brussels on the health service.

The Telegraph said he is likely to have the support of Environment Secretary Michael Gove, the leading Leave campaigner.

Labour’s attempts to stop Donald Trump visiting Britain are ‘extremely odd’ as the country’s relationship with the United States is ‘crucial’, Boris Johnson has said 

The Foreign Secretary, is attending a two day summit on North Korea in Vancouver

The Foreign Secretary, is attending a two day summit on North Korea in Vancouver

An ally of Mr Johnson told the paper: ‘Boris thinks that for the Tories to beat Corbyn it is fundamental that the government delivers on NHS funding and he will continue to make this argument until it happens.

‘Every poll conducted shows the NHS is top of swing voter concerns and every expert says it needs more money – the Cabinet will have to act and the sooner the better.

‘This isn’t about the referendum, it’s about listening to the public’s priorities and beating Corbyn – colleagues should move on from the referendum debate and start to focus on the future.’

During the EU referendum Vote Leave emblazoned the side of Mr Johnson’s bus with the slogan: ‘We send the EU £350million a week, let’s fund our NHS instead.’ 

Mr Johnson criticised Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and London Mayor Sadiq Khan, arguing they were risking the UK¿s relationship with the US

Mr Johnson criticised Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and London Mayor Sadiq Khan, arguing they were risking the UK’s relationship with the US

During the EU referendum Vote Leave emblazoned the side of Mr Johnson's bus with the slogan: 'We send the EU £350million a week, let's fund our NHS instead'

During the EU referendum Vote Leave emblazoned the side of Mr Johnson’s bus with the slogan: ‘We send the EU £350million a week, let’s fund our NHS instead’

Another senior Cabinet source said: ‘Boris is absolutely right, we must take the fight to Labour on the NHS. Remain or Leave it won’t matter at the next election, it’s what we deliver on the core issues like the NHS that will count at the ballot box. The sooner we realise that the better.’

The Foreign Secretary was also supported by Jacob Rees-Mogg, who was last night expected to be elected as head of the influential European Reform Group of eurosceptic Tory MPs.

Mr Rees-Mogg said: ‘It is clear the NHS is under strain, the chief executive of NHS England has asked for this. It is important that implied promises are delivered on by politicians. I strongly support what Boris is saying.

‘It became clear to me campaigning during the General Election that if we didn’ t have a good case to make on 2022 on the health service we will be in real trouble.’ 


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk