Footage shows falling meteor lights up neighborhood

  •  The clip shows a multiple views of the meteor falling to earth just outside of Detroit
  • One clip shows a street view of a quiet, snowy residential neighborhood located just outside of Detroit 
  • As the camera focuses on cars going by, the night sky increasingly turns a cosmic green 
  • The Allen Park, Michigan man who caught the rare sight later posted the clip to Instagram 

Footage of a meteor falling from the heavens was captured by multiple cameras throughout Michigan Tuesday evening.

One clip shows a street view of a quiet, snowy residential neighborhood located just outside of Detroit. 

As the camera focuses on cars going by, the night sky increasingly turns a cosmic green. At the top of the screen a small object can be seen plummeting towards earth, remarkably lighting up the surrounding area as if its the early afternoon.

Another clip shows the unidentified flying object slicing across the winter sky as a car’s dash cam races down the highway.   

A man Allen Park, Michigan man who caught the rare sight later posted the clip to Instagram. 

‘My WiFi camera finally caught something cool #metrodetroitmeteor,’ Chris Laine wrote on the social media site.  

Footage of a meteor falling from the heavens was captured by a man in Michigan Tuesday evening

The clip shows a street view of a quiet, snowy residential neighborhood located just outside of Detroit

The clip shows a street view of a quiet, snowy residential neighborhood located just outside of Detroit

As the camera focuses on cars going by, the night sky increasingly turns a cosmic green

As the camera focuses on cars going by, the night sky increasingly turns a cosmic green

The Allen Park, Michigan man who caught the rare sight later posted the clip to Instagram

The Allen Park, Michigan man who caught the rare sight later posted the clip to Instagram