UK ex-wife of top US ISIS member says she still loves him

The British ex-wife of a top US ISIS member has stunned Piers Morgan during a tense TV interview by admitting she still loves the jihadist and insisting he ‘has a good side’.

Tania Joya became radicalised while growing up in Harrow, London, but now lives in Dallas, Texas after fleeing from the terror group and rejecting extremism. 

But during a grilling on ITV’s Good Morning Britain today, presenter Piers Morgan said he was ‘struggling to understand’ why she should not be considered a ‘potentially dangerous person’.

The interview came to an abrupt end with the US Editor-in-Chief and co-presenter Susanna Reid shaking their heads as the former jihadi bride admitted still loving ex-husband John Georgelas – an American-born convert to Islam with whom she has four children.

Joya said she was ‘pretty sure’ Georgelas was still fighting for ISIS in Syria but that he had given her ‘four beautiful, lovely children’ and insisted ‘everybody has a good side, everybody has a bad side’.  

Tania Joya (pictured) the British ex-wife of a top US ISIS member has said she still loves her former husband – but now believes the Koran is a ‘terrible book’

In a tense interview on Good Morning Britain this morning, the 33-year-old said she still loved her former husband John Georgelas, an American-born convert to Islam with whom she has four children

In a tense interview on Good Morning Britain this morning, the 33-year-old said she still loved her former husband John Georgelas, an American-born convert to Islam with whom she has four children

Tania Joya

John Georgelas

In a tense interview this morning, Tania Joya (left) said she still loved her former husband John Georgelas (right), an American-born convert to Islam with whom she has four children

Morgan then says: ‘You know what, I’m afraid ISIS terrorists don’t have a good side so I’m afraid we’re going to end the interview right there.’ 

The 33-year-old had earlier told the pair how she turned to extremism in her troubled youth – and claimed that ‘every time we try to assimilate to Western society we are shamed for it and then we think God hates us.’ 

The former jihadi bride has previously explained how she once dreamed of having seven children who would become assassins and conquer every continent on earth for ISIS.

Although she travelled to Syria with Georgelas and her children, she later escaped back to Turkey and rejected extremism before becoming a suburban mother in Dallas where she says she has shared custody over her children with her former in-laws.

This morning, she was pressed  on her religious beliefs and asked what she now thought of the Koran.

She replied: ‘I think the Koran is a terrible book. I think the Koran was written by a man who believed he was a prophet, he had an older wife who was 15 years older that pushed the idea on to him. 

Joya said she was 'pretty sure' her ex-husband was still fighting for ISIS in Syria but that he had given her 'four beautiful, lovely children' and insisted 'everybody has a good side, everybody has a bad side'

Joya said she was ‘pretty sure’ her ex-husband was still fighting for ISIS in Syria but that he had given her ‘four beautiful, lovely children’ and insisted ‘everybody has a good side, everybody has a bad side’

Tania had three children with husband John Georgelas and was pregnant with a fourth when the family went to Syria to join ISIS in 2013

Tania had three children with husband John Georgelas and was pregnant with a fourth when the family went to Syria to join ISIS in 2013

‘He probably had epilepsy because he had a lot of seizures. He was a merchant and he interacted with neighbouring religions from all over the region of the Middle East from India to Rome. He took ideas from all these people.

When asked whether she thought her views would be offensive to millions of Muslims, she replied: ‘Does it matter that they are offended by me stating the truth?’

Joya, who said she had not been in touch with her husband for over a year, claimed that she had been ‘deceived from a child’.

‘When I was young I was deceived like so many Muslims, held back because of their religion. Not just women are held back but even the Sunni-Shia conflict. Islam holds them back to the point where they are still arguing about the Sunni-Shia argument 1,400 years ago and they can’t move on and they can’t assimilate.

‘Even when I was a child I wanted to grow up and be a good English woman but that was seen as Haram (forbidden by Islamic law) because anything Western is Haram and then we’re pushed to have a lot of guilt every time we try to assimilate to Western society – we are shamed for it and then we think God hates us.’

Joya is seen with her three youngest children. She said her former husband had given her 'four beautiful, lovely children' and insisted 'everybody has a good side, everybody has a bad side'. But she added that he should go to prison if caught

Joya is seen with her three youngest children. She said her former husband had given her ‘four beautiful, lovely children’ and insisted ‘everybody has a good side, everybody has a bad side’. But she added that he should go to prison if caught

Joya said that this meant ‘we just fall into this dark trap – like falling through the cracks of society.’ 

Earlier in the interview, she had claimed that she was had been a ‘blind follower’ in her youth and was afraid of questioning Islam ‘because I was afraid I would become a disbeliever.’

‘I don’t have that same fear (now). After coming to America and removing myself from the Muslim community I was able to think and question and read philosophy and psychology and put pieces together as to why, what made me and what makes other people go join extremist groups. 

At one point, Morgan said that the former jihadi ‘makes it all sound very glib and very kind of obvious to understand’ and said that he was ‘struggling to understand why you should not be considered right now to be a very dangerous, potentially dangerous person’.

She replied: ‘Yes I was an extremist. I was one of them and I am a former extremist.

‘I understand the minds of extremists and I understand how to deradicalise too. I can help these people. Just like they get indoctrinated you can get undoctrinated. It just takes some re-education and a little bit of empathy goes a long way.’

Joya once explained how she dreamed of her children becoming assassins one day. She is pictured with one of her children

Joya once explained how she dreamed of her children becoming assassins one day. She is pictured with one of her children

However, the interview ended in tense fashion as she revealed that she still loved Georgelas.

‘I don’t love him like I’m in love with him, I love him because he gave me four beautiful, lovely children,’ she said.

When asked to clarify that she was not rejecting someone ‘who is part of a murderous cult’, she insisted that ‘if he’s caught he needs to go to prison, of course.’

But she then added: I love him like I love people – he was my friend for 10 years. Even though he has his ups and downs. Everybody has a good side everybody has a bad side.’

The two presenters could then be seen shaking their heads in apparent disbelief before ending the interview with Reid saying: ‘ISIS doesn’t have a good side.’  

Joya was born in Harrow as one of five children of British-Bangladeshi couple Nural, who worked as a senior postmaster, and Jahanara Choudhury.

Her birth name is Joya, but she was known as Tania to her family and friends.

She has said in the past that the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 were a turning point for her radicalisation.

While her siblings worked hard at school and went off to university, she is said to have smoked cannabis and shown little interest in academia until she began studying for A-levels at a new sixth form college in East London.

Her family believes it was here that she fell under the influence of a group of ultra-conservative Algerian students, after which she began wearing a full-body veil and espousing the views of gender segregation. 

She was at a protest against the Iraq war when she says Muslim men were handing out slips of paper, with the address of a Muslim matchmaking website written on them.

Through the website she met John Georgelas, the youngest child and only son of former US military doctor Colonel Timothy Georgelas and his wife Martha.

Growing up in Plano, Texas, John is said to have rebelled as a teenager, becoming a prolific drug user, dropping out of school and converting to Islam shortly after 9/11.

The couple fell in love over discussions of jihad and dreams of a caliphate: a match made made in hell.

The pair began speaking in March 2003 and a month later he flew from the United States to London. Three days after meeting in person they married in a Muslim ceremony and flew together to the city of College Station in Texas.

Joya was born in Harrow as one of five children of British-Bangladeshi couple Nural, who worked as a senior postmaster, and Jahanara Choudhury

Joya was born in Harrow as one of five children of British-Bangladeshi couple Nural, who worked as a senior postmaster, and Jahanara Choudhury

Joya was born in Harrow as one of five children of British-Bangladeshi couple Nural, who worked as a senior postmaster, and Jahanara Choudhury

From College Station, the pair travelled to Damascus in Syria, where their beliefs became more conservative, returning briefly to the UK in 2004 to legally marry.

Tania was was heavily pregnant when the pair wed in a civil ceremony in October at the Gothic town hall in Rochdale, England.

The pair then moved back to Texas where George was jailed in 2006 for providing IT assistance to jihadi websites.

Tania waited for him to make parole in 2011, and the pair immediately flew to London and then to Cairo.

They’d had three children and another on the way when, in 2013, they began discussing joining ISIS in Syria.  

Tania was some five months pregnant, and they brought along their young children.

In August 2013, the family traveled to Syria by bus, setting up home in the abandoned villa of a Syrian general in the town of A’zaz. 

Weeks later, in September, Tania convinced John to take her back to Turkey. Having picked her way through a minefield with her youngest child in a buggy, John gave her several hundreds dollars, handed her to a people smuggler, and was gone.

With the help of John’s parents, she made her way back to Texas with the children, and sought and obtained a divorce from him. He remains in Syria to this day, where he has become the highest ranking American in ISIS.