Man convicted of shooting dogs in revenge for cat’s death

A Virginia man whose cat was mauled to death by two Labrador retrievers in November has been convicted of weapons charges for fatally shooting his neighbor’s dogs.

Stephen Nichols Cook, 68, of Christiansburg, was found guilty on Tuesday of two misdemeanor charges of brandishing a firearm and recklessly handling of a firearm in connection with the incident. 

Judge Randal Duncan sent additional felony charges of recklessly shooting at a vehicle and two counts of cruelty to animals to a grand jury. 

Stephen Nichols Cook, 68, of Virginia, has been convicted after shooting dead his neighbor’s two Labrador retrievers (stock image) as payback for killing his cat

Cook immediately appealed the misdemeanor convictions, for which he was sentenced to a total of 24 months in jail, 18 of which the judge immediately suspended, and a $5,000 fine, reported The Roanoke Times.

Tuesday’s hearing featured testimony from several witnesses, who described there had long been animosity between Cook and nearby property owner Arthur Hamrick, fueled by encounters between Cook’s cats and Hamrick’s many dogs.

Tensions between the men came to a head on November 6, 2017, when Cook’s pet cat Jeffrey ended up in the maw of Hamrick’s dog. 

Cook’s wife’, Deborah, testified in court on Tuesday when her husband learned of Jeffrey’s death, he got dressed, stormed out of the house and went to track down Hamrick and his dogs. 

When he spotted the man’s pickup truck, with his Labrador retrievers, Maggie May and Yancey, sitting in the back, he aimed his .357-caliber revolver at them and fatally shot both animals.     

Hamrick went to grab his own pistol and leveled it at Cook, who got back in his vehicle and drove home.

Mrs Cook told the court when her husband returned, he was crying and told her ‘he wished he’d never done this.’  

Cook’s attorney, Richard Davis, reiterated that his client was sorry the dogs had been killed and that his actions should be seen in the context of grief. 

Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Dean Manor said Cook chose ‘vigilante justice’ instead of filing a report with the police, or pursuing legal action against Hamrick.