Mother who dropped SIX dress sizes finds love again

A mother-of-one whose five-stone weight loss caused her marriage to breakdown has found love again – after turning her life around and becoming a personal trainer.

Angela Crickmore, 38, from Nottingham, managed to drop an impressive six dress sizes after making drastic changes to her diet, going from a size 18 to a size 6.

Her new health regime, however, led to cracks in her marriage, causing her to eventually split from her husband of nine years.

But now the personal trainer is set to marry again following a whirlwind romance with one of her clients, who contacted her through Instagram. 

Angela Crickmore, 38, from Nottingham, has found love again after her dramatic weight loss caused her marriage to break down 

The personal trainer (pictured before her weight loss), who weighed over 13 stone at her heaviest, decided to overhaul her diet after becoming tired of being overweight 

The personal trainer (pictured before her weight loss), who weighed over 13 stone at her heaviest, decided to overhaul her diet after becoming tired of being overweight 

Angela was asked by her now fiance Mark Rogers, a car broker, to be his personal trainer while he was in Tenerife for business.

Speaking to The Sun, she explained: ‘Romance with Mark wasn’t on my mind at all, and after the first day we were just getting to know each other. Then out of nowhere it just happened, like a click of magic.’

They soon became a couple, with Angela moving in with Mark less than a fortnight after they returned to the UK.

Angela, who weighed over 13 stone at her heaviest, managed to shed five stone by changing her diet and starting a new fitness regime.

Angela is now set to marry one of her clients, car broker Mark Rogers, after he messaged her on Instagram asking if she would train him 

Angela is now set to marry one of her clients, car broker Mark Rogers, after he messaged her on Instagram asking if she would train him 

But she now admits that finding love again will make it more difficult for her to stay in shape.

‘It’s much harder to be dedicated to your fitness than when you’re single,’ she said. 

However, Angela says that Mark, who is less interested to fitness, is having to adapt to her lifestyle now they’re in a relationship – and he’s already lost a stone through her efforts.

The personal trainer regularly shares her transformation pictures on her Instagram account, which has over 156,000 followers.

The mother-of-one admits it is more difficult for her to stay in shape now she is in a relationship

The mother-of-one admits it is more difficult for her to stay in shape now she is in a relationship

Angela (pictured before her weight loss, left, and right, after) regularly posts snaps showing her incredible transformation on her Instagram page, which has over 156,000 followers

Angela (pictured before her weight loss, left, and right, after) regularly posts snaps showing her incredible transformation on her Instagram page, which has over 156,000 followers

As well as posting pictures of her incredibly tone physique, Angela offers advice to her followers, as well as telling her own story.

In one recent post, she explained: ‘5 years ago I started a journey that would change my life and how I see everything.

She continued: ‘ I don’t give up easy in any aspect of life, I keep going until I achieve what I want. 

‘Find your reasons, your motivations, write down all your goals and action plan and go for it.’