Lesbian mother who viciously beat her bride avoids jail

Louanne Budgen outside Manchester Magistrates’ Court, where she was ordered to complete a 12 month community order

A mother who viciously beat her new wife has escaped jail after telling the court she has a condition which leaves sufferers with high levels of male hormones.

Louanne Budgen attacked her partner Hayley in an alcohol-fuelled rage because she left a Christmas Eve family gathering early to put their three children to bed.

Three hours later Budgen returned to their home in Radcliffe, near Bury in Greater Manchester and dragged Hayley out of bed by her hair before repeatedly punching her in the head. 

But Budgen walked free after claiming she suffers from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which causes excess androgen – high levels of ‘male hormones’ in the body. 

She also claimed she is prone to violent outbursts because of abuse she witnessed as a child.

The couple had been married for 18 months before the attack on Christmas Eve, Manchester Magistrates’ Court heard. 

Hayley, who is in her 30s, suffered soreness and minor bruising and called police.

In a statement she asked for her partner to be subject to a restraining order and told officers: ‘This incident has made me realise that the relationship is over. I cannot be with someone who is violent.

‘I’m very upset and heartbroken that someone who I was genuinely in love with could do this to me and had harmed me in such a way.’

Budgen (right) subjected her bride of 18 months Hayley (left) to a vicious beating

Budgen (right) subjected her bride of 18 months Hayley (left) to a vicious beating

Budgen wept as she admitted assault but walked free after she blamed her behaviour on domestic abuse she had witnessed as a child. 

She said she also suffers with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which affects they way her ovaries work.

Despite Hayley’s initial statement to police, the couple have since reconciled. 

Prosecutor Miss Risha Seth, said: ‘[Hayley] decided to go home at about 9pm and said she wanted to put the children to bed.

‘The defendant took exception to this and said she wanted the complainant to remain with the family. [Hayley] left and she knew that [Louanne] was angry.’ 

Budgen (left) wept as she admitted assault but walked free after she blamed her behaviour on domestic abuse she had witnessed as a child

Budgen (left) wept as she admitted assault but walked free after she blamed her behaviour on domestic abuse she had witnessed as a child

Despite the assault, the couple have since reconciled and Budgen is 'seeking help to deal with things'

Despite the assault, the couple have since reconciled and Budgen is ‘seeking help to deal with things’

Polycystic ovary syndrome 

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition that affects how a woman’s ovaries work. 

The exact cause of PCOS is unknown, but it often runs in families. 

It can cause excess androgen – high levels of ‘male hormones’ in the body, which may cause physical signs such as excess facial or body hair.

It is thought to affect about one in every five women in the UK. 

Many women with PCOS are resistant to the action of insulin in their body and produce higher levels of insulin to overcome this.

This contributes to the increased production and activity of hormones such as testosterone.

Source: NHS 

The court heard Budgen had five previous convictions including criminal damage and assault but there was no history of domestic violence in her relationship with Hayley.

In mitigation Budgen’s lawyer Miss Judith Hawkins said: ‘She has little recollection of what took place but since it happened, she has taken it upon herself to seek the help to deal with things.  

‘She has been spoken to by social services but they have no concerns about her getting back together with Hayley and looking after their three children together.

‘She doesn’t control her money, Hayley deals with all household outgoings because this lady doesn’t feel able to look after her money herself and Hayley is her full time carer. 

‘They intend to reconcile and bring their three children up.’

Budgen was ordered to complete a 12 month community order and pay £170 in costs. 

Budgen was ordered to complete a 12 month community order and pay £170 in costs

Budgen was ordered to complete a 12 month community order and pay £170 in costs

District judge Samuel Goozee, told her: ‘You have clearly had some trauma in your own upbringing and have been exposed to abuse, but you need to understand what you did to Hayley.

‘Although your children didn’t see anything, if this continues you will be exposing your own children to the behaviour you yourself grew up with.

‘The most important thing in dealing with you is for you to be able to work with probation service. You subjected Hayley to quite a sustained assault whilst in drink.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk