Kenyan lioness rugby tackles unsuspecting wildebeest

  • A lioness can be seen hiding in the long grass in Kenya as she waits for her prey
  • Hundreds of wildebeest raced past the hidden lioness on their annual migration
  • However, as they get closer, she pounces, tackling one like a rugby player 

This agile lioness takes out an unsuspecting wildebeest that runs straight past her at full speed with a tackle that England rugby legend Jonny Wilkinson would be proud of.

The incredible ambush was caught on video with a patient lioness lying camouflaged beside a rock watching as hundreds of wildebeest on the annual migration race past her.

Gradually the giant black mass of the antelope herd which is spread out over a width of a 100 metres thunder past closer and closer to her at a speed of approximately 45mph.

The lioness can be seen leaping out of the long grass, where she was hiding, before wrestling down an unsuspecting wildebeest

The lioness picks out her victim – a young adult – and in a classic tackle leaps sideways grabbing the wildebeest firmly and uses her weight to bring it crashing to the ground.

The amazing flying tackle happened in the blink of the eye and for this bold lioness lunch was served as another lioness emerges from the veld to join in ready for the feast.

The other lioness can be seen patiently waiting for the hunter to complete her kill. 

The wildebeest, rushing past while on their annual migration, have no idea that the predatory lioness is laying in wait for them

The wildebeest, rushing past while on their annual migration, have no idea that the predatory lioness is laying in wait for them

The incredible footage was posted onto the Maasai mara Sightings page and was taken by an unknown guest on a safari arranged by Go Wild Travel and Photography in Tanzania.

It is believed to have been filmed in the neighbouring Serengeti where the Great Wildebeest Migration is underway which sees 1.5million of them move to better pasture land.

For this lioness the tackle she put it would have been one to make any British Lion proud.

After bringing the speeding wildebeest down, the lioness wrestles with it, keeping it pinned as it slowly completes the kill 

After bringing the speeding wildebeest down, the lioness wrestles with it, keeping it pinned as it slowly completes the kill